The NIN shows here in town and in Dallas were fucking awesome. No soundchecks or M&G's, but I'm not complaining because I met them back in Oct. Both of the shows had there ups and downs. San Antonio had awesome visuals and all the bands were right on time with starting their sets. Heard today on a local radio program that there were only 5,000...
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Okay, this is going to be long and maybe a little confusing but I will do my best to describe everything that happened. Please read everything, because I will you ask you for your opinions. Okay, last sat. (Jan. 7 to be exact) my friend at the time writes me a text message around 2pm asking me what im doing that day. I told him,...
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Just in case by chance I dont update again before sunday, I hope everyone has a merry fucking christmas. Happy holidays or whatever your pleasure may be.

aw thank you!

Everything is going great now. I just blew everything out of proportion. My mind can rest alot now.

Things are getting a little better, but I'm still a little on edge.
hang in there hunni!

I dont think its going to last. I'm a nervous wreck right now. I hope to god it doesnt end like this.

That sorry motherfucker. I wanted stay away from asking Lynn if her ex-husband was going to pay for child support, but I popped it into a conversation we were having. She told me she wants him to pay child support until the girls are 3 and then strip him of all his rights so that I can adopt them as my own. I have no...
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Thank you!

Thanks a lot dude!
Hope to receive more often news from you!
Let's keep in touch,uh?
Hope to receive more often news from you!
Let's keep in touch,uh?

Seeing that I never messed with adding pictures on here. I think I will add a few.
GODDAMN, that cat looks evil as HELLLL!!! It reminds me a lot of the freaky creepy rabbit from the movie "donnie darko"!!

She finally told me the reason why we broke up. She said we rushed into the relationship which is true we did rush into it. I take the blame for that. I put alot on her and she needed her time and space. We are talking again which makes me very happy. She still wants to get back together, but she wants to really get...
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I serve Saffron Risotto at work.
Any coincidence there?
Any coincidence there?

awww, well dont push her ... relationships are so difficult, but if u play your cards right .. you'll win a hand or two
The key is to NOT smother her, and play it "cool". Act interested, but not OVERLY interested or you'll come off too desperate. Remember .. girls like the BAD boys, but they also like a combination of MANNERS/respect, and toughness.
Just my girl advice for the day. Carry on!

Just my girl advice for the day. Carry on!
This tuesday all hell is gonna break loose at work. I can't wait for the arguing and the bitching. Life as a supervisor is great.

Just wanted to drop by and say hi, i saw you were from S.A. so........
from S.A.