Remeber me?
Yes, it seems ive been gone again for quite sometime and ive been hopeless with the updates yet again sigh i do apologise too everyone who leaves comments on my blogs...ive yet to reply! :S sorrryyy xxxx
Okay so whats new with me you ask? I'll tell you!!!
Im now single, yep Saffrie is back on the market again! My boyfriend and i broke up just over a month and a half ago...and my how the time has gone past soo quickly
Course work is taking up most of time at the moment with the moutian of essays being thrown at me, though i don't mind too much because some of them are pretty interesting to research, it's nice to be a nerd sometimes.
I've also been chilling with my friends alot and going to gigs...i saw Bloc Party. about a month ago and they were jus amazing i've never sweated so much in my life hah jumping and being smushed was fun!
Most recently i went to see the Deftones they were also amazing, i got to be upfront with tons of guys and i got hit a couple of times by crowd surfers
hah ouchy none the less it was good!
I won't write alot or post that many pictures but i'll post one this was pre Deftones hah i also got a new piercing see!!! And dyed my hair yet again
I shall post a more picture full blog in a couple of days promise!!!
Rite im off to finish my essay later folkss

Yes, it seems ive been gone again for quite sometime and ive been hopeless with the updates yet again sigh i do apologise too everyone who leaves comments on my blogs...ive yet to reply! :S sorrryyy xxxx
Okay so whats new with me you ask? I'll tell you!!!
Im now single, yep Saffrie is back on the market again! My boyfriend and i broke up just over a month and a half ago...and my how the time has gone past soo quickly
Course work is taking up most of time at the moment with the moutian of essays being thrown at me, though i don't mind too much because some of them are pretty interesting to research, it's nice to be a nerd sometimes.

I've also been chilling with my friends alot and going to gigs...i saw Bloc Party. about a month ago and they were jus amazing i've never sweated so much in my life hah jumping and being smushed was fun!
Most recently i went to see the Deftones they were also amazing, i got to be upfront with tons of guys and i got hit a couple of times by crowd surfers

I won't write alot or post that many pictures but i'll post one this was pre Deftones hah i also got a new piercing see!!! And dyed my hair yet again
I shall post a more picture full blog in a couple of days promise!!!
Rite im off to finish my essay later folkss

Sounds pretty interesting.
So what are you going to do on your vacation?
Things are not good.
and hi septum! haha. i recently added a piercing to my list as well. i got my nostril done. woot! and i'm starting to save up for the beginnings of my sleeve. i'm excited for it!!
stay in touch hun!!!!!