yess well guys HAPPY OCTOBER i hav to say this is my favourite month haha for obvious reasons

Well this is a short update considerin im on stolen wireless and its never sure for how long i get it...sigh i still got another week till we hook it up to our house!! argghhh...thank god for my nifty laptop and pickin up wireless signals..hah PHEW!!
oooh omgg i almost 4get a i almost got arrrested last week hahaha...that was funnyy...me and my friends started arguin wit this jackasss of a taxi driver...and he got soo mad at us that he told us to get out of his car hah!!! and we had to walk on the motorwayy on the freakin hard shoulder...zOMG..then he followed us and called the police on us..pffttt...but we called the police to cuz we said he was stalkin us haha..but anyway 3 cops cars came we explained our stories..and then they gave us a lift home..whee heyyyy!!!...me and my friends at this point wer all pretty drunk haha it was prettyy damn funny

Well folks till nxt time
Vanity, Vanityy, Vanityyyy

peace out
lots of love Saffriex0x0x0x0x



Happy Birthday darling!!! Hope you have a lovely one!! And happy halloween