Welll im currentlyy sick as of rite now...its pretty crappy i almost never get sick like ever...n here i am wit the sniffles and my throat hurts big time
Saffrie needs a hug...a big ONE!!
But anyway on a lighter note i started uni last monday...im doin a (Bsc) degree in Physcology oooooooh excitin i here you say..well it is!! oh so very excitin ive moved in2 my place and everything!!! im sharin a house wit 3 other peeps who are all really cool and lovelyy soo hurrayy for that!!!...livin by myself well is fun well sorta...jus that cookin has become tedious hahah i loose my motivation to cook as soon as i see the cooker sigh...yesterday i jus ate muffins n fell asleep haha screwww coookin!!! Also interent resources are scarse arghhh its horrible im internet addict soo not bein to sign on everyday is killin my softly haha..n apparantly it takes 2 weeks to set it upp....gayyy more waitin..but wotever i guess atleast i know im gettin it rite? hah
i gotta sayy i love movin its makes me more happy everytime i do it...i jus get bored n im like fuck me i need to move again ive moved twice this summmer...its beens fun...ive moved to a different place every year since i was 15!! and i attend to keep it that way haha for aslong as possible..my boyfiends claims i'll never settle down but i will as sooon as i find a place that makes me feel like home....nxt year i want to move to Spain or Florida

soo whoz knows....huh?
lets see wot else is up with me ooooh jessss...well last week i went 2 some photography place to get some I.D. pics for myself...and the photographer in ther said i caught his eye..and asked if he could take shots of me then hed give me the prints for FREEE...and put my pics up in the shopp window!! soo SPIFFYYY soo i did that 2day...hahaha i was hopin that it wudnt b dodgey..n i wudnt get raped...
But to no avail i didnt get raped haha...my lovely boyfriend informed me that if the dude touched me hed by goin to jail cuz hed kill him!! hahaha awww my boyfriend is my own lil personnal body guard lovelyy ARRR!!!
and besides all that shit ive been doin lots of gayy clubbin..sigh im pretty sure im turnin in2 a fag hag...everyone knows me in that club its awesome...ahhh i love clubbbin its soo much funnn
oooh ooohh and some veryyy excitin news well for me...my boyfriend commin in 2months YAYYYYYY wer doin long distance but not for much longer YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
well anyway this entry has far to much words in it sooo here are some pics from over the weeks enjoyyy...!!!!


But anyway on a lighter note i started uni last monday...im doin a (Bsc) degree in Physcology oooooooh excitin i here you say..well it is!! oh so very excitin ive moved in2 my place and everything!!! im sharin a house wit 3 other peeps who are all really cool and lovelyy soo hurrayy for that!!!...livin by myself well is fun well sorta...jus that cookin has become tedious hahah i loose my motivation to cook as soon as i see the cooker sigh...yesterday i jus ate muffins n fell asleep haha screwww coookin!!! Also interent resources are scarse arghhh its horrible im internet addict soo not bein to sign on everyday is killin my softly haha..n apparantly it takes 2 weeks to set it upp....gayyy more waitin..but wotever i guess atleast i know im gettin it rite? hah
i gotta sayy i love movin its makes me more happy everytime i do it...i jus get bored n im like fuck me i need to move again ive moved twice this summmer...its beens fun...ive moved to a different place every year since i was 15!! and i attend to keep it that way haha for aslong as possible..my boyfiends claims i'll never settle down but i will as sooon as i find a place that makes me feel like home....nxt year i want to move to Spain or Florida

lets see wot else is up with me ooooh jessss...well last week i went 2 some photography place to get some I.D. pics for myself...and the photographer in ther said i caught his eye..and asked if he could take shots of me then hed give me the prints for FREEE...and put my pics up in the shopp window!! soo SPIFFYYY soo i did that 2day...hahaha i was hopin that it wudnt b dodgey..n i wudnt get raped...
But to no avail i didnt get raped haha...my lovely boyfriend informed me that if the dude touched me hed by goin to jail cuz hed kill him!! hahaha awww my boyfriend is my own lil personnal body guard lovelyy ARRR!!!
and besides all that shit ive been doin lots of gayy clubbin..sigh im pretty sure im turnin in2 a fag hag...everyone knows me in that club its awesome...ahhh i love clubbbin its soo much funnn

oooh ooohh and some veryyy excitin news well for me...my boyfriend commin in 2months YAYYYYYY wer doin long distance but not for much longer YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
well anyway this entry has far to much words in it sooo here are some pics from over the weeks enjoyyy...!!!!

I updated about miss Kris.