Sooo im backk from Scotland, Abeerdeen i had a lurvlyyy time up there Mmmm....i used 2 live up there incase some of your people didnt know!!....ahh even tho im English (with an "American" accent)...i feel more at home in Scotland then anywhere else...i hav noo idea why maybe cuz i spent 5 yrs of my life there..but who knows? I just know that place well...and its nice that nothing much has changed...everything has been kept in time..ahhh niceee..
Soo what did Saffrie get up to while she was up there!?!?!...well let me tell you!...i spent lots of time with my younger brother, We went to an art gallery, To an indie theatre, Bootleg CD stores, Some over priced retail shops, Walked round town, and even kicked it round my old neighbourhood....DEEElitefull...
Oooh and indie theatres are soo much cooler then usual ones, less people, know one talks, and everyones just there to appericaite a good movie!!!, instead of using as a ticket to a quick grope and a make out fest....hahah though those are was a nice lil change Mmmm....ooh yes and i saw Hard Candy and Volver...both brilliant films i adivse you too see them at all costs...haha though Volver is in Spanish theres English subtitles...ahhhh yess classy indeed!!!
Ooh and me and my daddy alson went out for dinner....where i got branded as an alcoholic because my cider was stronger then my dads beer hahah!! oooops
Hmmm and on the last day before a left...i met one of my friends in Edinburgh..we walked round that place and had lunch together (he even paid for me YAY!) and reminised over good ole memories...yess i really did have a lovelyy time up there..i want to return sooon
Soo now thats im back in Wales, im looking for a job sigh not fun at all, somewot getting ready to start uni, since my year out is now comming to an end!!!
and im jus chillin and watchin the dayss gooo by sooo fast....sigh summers almost overr!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO
Ooh n remeber how i said in a previous blog about how i dyed my hair black, well its turned green hahah hmmm thats what i get for buying black hair dye from a goth shop....
TIll next time....
<3 Saffriex0x0x0x0x0x
Soo what did Saffrie get up to while she was up there!?!?!...well let me tell you!...i spent lots of time with my younger brother, We went to an art gallery, To an indie theatre, Bootleg CD stores, Some over priced retail shops, Walked round town, and even kicked it round my old neighbourhood....DEEElitefull...

Oooh and indie theatres are soo much cooler then usual ones, less people, know one talks, and everyones just there to appericaite a good movie!!!, instead of using as a ticket to a quick grope and a make out fest....hahah though those are was a nice lil change Mmmm....ooh yes and i saw Hard Candy and Volver...both brilliant films i adivse you too see them at all costs...haha though Volver is in Spanish theres English subtitles...ahhhh yess classy indeed!!!

Ooh and me and my daddy alson went out for dinner....where i got branded as an alcoholic because my cider was stronger then my dads beer hahah!! oooops

Hmmm and on the last day before a left...i met one of my friends in Edinburgh..we walked round that place and had lunch together (he even paid for me YAY!) and reminised over good ole memories...yess i really did have a lovelyy time up there..i want to return sooon

Soo now thats im back in Wales, im looking for a job sigh not fun at all, somewot getting ready to start uni, since my year out is now comming to an end!!!

Ooh n remeber how i said in a previous blog about how i dyed my hair black, well its turned green hahah hmmm thats what i get for buying black hair dye from a goth shop....




TIll next time....
<3 Saffriex0x0x0x0x0x

We should dye our hair the same color and do a set together (once I go up...grr for impatience)
luv yous!