Back again with yet another interesting seems that the summer keeps on treatin me wellwell this weekend gone my guy friend kidnapped me n took me 2 england up 2 the midlands 2 b precise 4 a drinkin was funny all I knew about the whole trip was that I was goin haha.hmmmm hurray 4 knowin nothingits always a lil more exciting aint it wen u know less about I rite?? Like openin up a present!! But yes my friends friend parents..if that made any sense. own a B& B and it was free for the weekend!! SCORE sooo we jus all crashed ther n had lots of funn but yess.I left on saturdayy came back Monday niten I had SOOO much funnn as you can see from the picss.

Basically to break it down my weekend consisted of beer pong, beer bong( nasty I hate beer and I puked rite after I did it EW but atleast I can say ive done it), water fights, watchin shit loads of movies, drinkin my weight in alcohol, revisitin one of the towns I use 2 live in as a kid, and goin 2 Alton Towerskickkass place I had mucho funnhurrayyy.

Hmm wot does that look like...ooh i hav filthy friends!!!

ETHNIC BARBIE...most awesomest bag ive everrr seeeeennn!!!

Also the place that we went 2 was convientlyy close 2 the place I use 2 live as a kidafter much persuasion I convinced my friends in2 goin ther soo I cud reminiscen all I can say it I use 2 live in a shithole hahah I was 2 young 2 obviously notice
Oohh and after that the guys decided 2 come bak 2 my aunts housewhich was emptyyy hah im house sittin 4 herooh the convenienceyyy and we all made lots of cocktails n continued drinkin as u can see hahaha sooo baddd.

my boyfriend claims im an alky nowWRONG...mayb jus a lil anywayyy well jus this past week hahaha sooo badd...but hey its the summer mite aswell enjoy the freedomand now I hav plenty more of it considerin I got fired from my job!! Those fuckers but oooh welll fuck themmm and all becuz they wudnt give me a day off pfffttt oh wellmore free time 4 me!!! N thats wot its really all about..hehe
(None of the guys in the pic are my boyfriend....this guy is>> *ScatteredSoulz*and im inlove and oh so happy... the dudes r jus my friends!!!)
Hmmm but yes the fun came 2 an end on wednesday the guys left.n I had babysittmy other lil cousinyess ive been oh so busyI took her 2 a carnival 2as u can see from the picswhoop whoop

i had 2 go on that ride 3 times!!! in a row may i add...jezzz she effin loved it

Anyway thats been it for me 4 the past couple of days now im gonna chill 4 the rest of the week I think its well deservedI shall become a recluse..mmm n hibernate!!!
ooh but thought id end the blog again with my vanityy....taa daa

<3 Saffriex0x0x0x0x0x0x
Oh also my friend informed me that Nelly Furtadois bi?? Or mayb a lesbianif she isid gladyy dump my boyfriend (I LOVE you) and go off with hershes HAWT!! Has anyone seen her new videodaymmif u havnt Saffrie demands u watch it!!!

Basically to break it down my weekend consisted of beer pong, beer bong( nasty I hate beer and I puked rite after I did it EW but atleast I can say ive done it), water fights, watchin shit loads of movies, drinkin my weight in alcohol, revisitin one of the towns I use 2 live in as a kid, and goin 2 Alton Towerskickkass place I had mucho funnhurrayyy.

Hmm wot does that look like...ooh i hav filthy friends!!!

ETHNIC BARBIE...most awesomest bag ive everrr seeeeennn!!!

Also the place that we went 2 was convientlyy close 2 the place I use 2 live as a kidafter much persuasion I convinced my friends in2 goin ther soo I cud reminiscen all I can say it I use 2 live in a shithole hahah I was 2 young 2 obviously notice

Oohh and after that the guys decided 2 come bak 2 my aunts housewhich was emptyyy hah im house sittin 4 herooh the convenienceyyy and we all made lots of cocktails n continued drinkin as u can see hahaha sooo baddd.

my boyfriend claims im an alky nowWRONG...mayb jus a lil anywayyy well jus this past week hahaha sooo badd...but hey its the summer mite aswell enjoy the freedomand now I hav plenty more of it considerin I got fired from my job!! Those fuckers but oooh welll fuck themmm and all becuz they wudnt give me a day off pfffttt oh wellmore free time 4 me!!! N thats wot its really all about..hehe
(None of the guys in the pic are my boyfriend....this guy is>> *ScatteredSoulz*and im inlove and oh so happy... the dudes r jus my friends!!!)
Hmmm but yes the fun came 2 an end on wednesday the guys left.n I had babysittmy other lil cousinyess ive been oh so busyI took her 2 a carnival 2as u can see from the picswhoop whoop

i had 2 go on that ride 3 times!!! in a row may i add...jezzz she effin loved it


Anyway thats been it for me 4 the past couple of days now im gonna chill 4 the rest of the week I think its well deservedI shall become a recluse..mmm n hibernate!!!
ooh but thought id end the blog again with my vanityy....taa daa

<3 Saffriex0x0x0x0x0x0x
Oh also my friend informed me that Nelly Furtadois bi?? Or mayb a lesbianif she isid gladyy dump my boyfriend (I LOVE you) and go off with hershes HAWT!! Has anyone seen her new videodaymmif u havnt Saffrie demands u watch it!!!
