Sooo ladys and lads thanks 4 the lovely comments about my Russia tripp
But im off travelin again its truee...hahah im an airwhore as my friends put it
...haha this time im off 2 South America 2 go visit my family for a month YAY...i can mooch of them now nice
...p.s. incase u dont already know i travelin shit loads...ive fallin in love wit travelin hahah
Saffrie + Travelin = 4ever
Hmm i wud blab on more about myself but its the same old same old haah nothing 2 excitin...gettin drunk, clubbin n all that shizzz
ooh and i know summers lingerin around the corner...
sooo 2 everyone HAPPY SUMMER

<3 Saffrie
Enjoy some vanity pics of maself

But im off travelin again its truee...hahah im an airwhore as my friends put it

...p.s. incase u dont already know i travelin shit loads...ive fallin in love wit travelin hahah

Saffrie + Travelin = 4ever
Hmm i wud blab on more about myself but its the same old same old haah nothing 2 excitin...gettin drunk, clubbin n all that shizzz

ooh and i know summers lingerin around the corner...
sooo 2 everyone HAPPY SUMMER

<3 Saffrie

Enjoy some vanity pics of maself

cheers to travelin and drinkin... tonights my night in
=-> Alecks