Ritee sooo im startin my 2nd journal
pretty amazin stuff i thought id try n keep it some wot constant....
Anyway i'll jus blab on about my dismal week...well actually not soo dismal nice...i took a week off of work 2 do fuck all...great stufff and i had the house alll 2 myself aswell HURRAH soo all in all it was prettyy kickass...
i havnt spent an easter break in britain 4 like 4 yrss soo it was pretty much an amazin expierence 4 me hahaha...and i FINALLY got a easter egg aswell hurrahhhh...my aunt felt sorry 4 me n gave me one of hers...but the excitement was shorted lived cuz i felt like hurlin from the chocolate and sugar overload after i stuffed my face wit it hahaha DAMN IT!!
hmm n lets see wot else ooooh i'll tell u about something that jus happened its pretty damn sad...but i was writin out a check as u do hahah n id 4gotten how 2 spell 95 i was like WHOA ur mind has jus been destroyed from lack of stimulation and education hahaha....i took a year out from skool n crap...cuz i wanted 2 somewot stablize myself and try n get some jobss...
but i didnt know durin the mean while my mind wud turn in2 slush n id become illiterate hahah the price u pay i guess 4 becommin a bum hahaha...its times like these that i look forward 2 startin uni soooon hopefully my dsylexia will clear up by then hahahah
anywayy till nxt time folks

Anyway i'll jus blab on about my dismal week...well actually not soo dismal nice...i took a week off of work 2 do fuck all...great stufff and i had the house alll 2 myself aswell HURRAH soo all in all it was prettyy kickass...
i havnt spent an easter break in britain 4 like 4 yrss soo it was pretty much an amazin expierence 4 me hahaha...and i FINALLY got a easter egg aswell hurrahhhh...my aunt felt sorry 4 me n gave me one of hers...but the excitement was shorted lived cuz i felt like hurlin from the chocolate and sugar overload after i stuffed my face wit it hahaha DAMN IT!!
hmm n lets see wot else ooooh i'll tell u about something that jus happened its pretty damn sad...but i was writin out a check as u do hahah n id 4gotten how 2 spell 95 i was like WHOA ur mind has jus been destroyed from lack of stimulation and education hahaha....i took a year out from skool n crap...cuz i wanted 2 somewot stablize myself and try n get some jobss...

but i didnt know durin the mean while my mind wud turn in2 slush n id become illiterate hahah the price u pay i guess 4 becommin a bum hahaha...its times like these that i look forward 2 startin uni soooon hopefully my dsylexia will clear up by then hahahah
anywayy till nxt time folks

Hoping for another good one today!
You got anything fun planned for the weekend?