Bratisfuckingslava. Or Blatistrava if you're name is Sam... or was it slatisbrava?
The .. On a mission to get as drunk as possible...
Apparatus: 7 Ryan air boarding passes
6 people (one couldn't find passport and was left behind enemy lines.)
Wad of Koruna's
Combined lack of sleep per person throughout the trip = 11 hours.
The people profile from youngest to oldest:
*First was Sophie at 16 yrs old, not a very worldly wise person, but has a thirst to learn. She was the young vulnerable sweetheart of the group. However, under the cover of darkness she becomes a fully fledged party animal and crazy dancer. But did not tell us about her heart condition.
*Next was her boyfriend Lee at 17 (or could be 18) was diagnosed with ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) has a keen interest in mechanics. Again in night fall instead of being relatively quite, he turns into full time rave monster.
*Tom, looks like an absolute computer geek, with a severe history of gambling at such a young age we knew he was going to be fun... he proved us right very right. The snorer and joke teller of the group was also good at picking up languages and winning drinking money.
*James is a bit scatty and is known to have a way with words, his language skills are not the best, in fact they are awful. This man could put us in a lot of danger in the wrong place but with prior knowledge and previous trips to Eastern Europe, we thought he'd have a good incite. Measuring in at a Feather weight alcoholic.
*Austin, the smartest and oldest looking member of the group also has a gambling problem (but not as bad a Toms). This man is another crazy alcoholic equipped with Stinky feet but he has a good set of craniums.
*Me, I was the bitcher and whinger of the group. I am also a feather weight alco and professional farter and flabbergasterer. The only thing I could offer to the team was my language skills. I am also known to be a little bit crazy.
*Sam had no passport so he couldn't come. He is also a full time fruit cake too.
In the beginning.
Day one.
Airport drinking
We were all meeting at Austin and James's house to stay there for the night so that we were altogether for the hell flight in the morning, so that there was no frantic running about and disorganisation. Lee, Sophie and James went to bed (not all together though!) so Austin, Tom and myself stayed up till we were to arrive at the hostile in Bratislava. We had already been drinking, Austin said "Well why don't we go to the pub at the airport?" I knew I'd got myself into a tricky situation and I was going to die of tiredness. I can do the rock'n'roll but not all the time...
The taxi was due to pick us all up at 4AM; we arrived at the airport at 3AM. We weren't due to check in till 4:30. We managed to go through customs 4:40 as our friend Amy was checking us in, (thank you for the fast track Amy).
I and Tom went through customs on our own. Austin was going to have one last cigarette before going through the Indiana Jones customs section, (they had a rolling ball of doom to go through too!!). I have a well known track record of getting searched every time. Once again I bleeped going through the metal detector, a lady with curly dark ginger hair came bowling over to me and started (what I can only describe as) groping me. I get it every time... Maybe it's a sign. As she'd put her hands on my no-go zone I looked over at Tom, I smiled at him like I was enjoying getting groped by a big fat ginger lesbo (screaming on the inside).
I went into dream land and it was horrifying I felt sick. Anyway, SO... Austin turned up, we got drunk, and we proceeded to get drunk until the other rabble arrived at Wetherspoons.
When the others arrived, we ate and got on board. A slurring and very intoxicated Austin got abusive on the plane, as an airhostess ordered him to be quite for the all important emergency safety procedure (Which is also a legal requirement). At this point Austin was drunk and reeking of alcomahol, I was on antibiotics so I was giggling like a school girl and pulling faces.
Day 1 night.
I can't remember at the moment... I think we went to a casino. oh yeah we went to the uni to a pill head den, it was a right sausage fest.
James's sign language
Throughout the whole trip the only word that James managed to learn was 'Dobre' which means 'good' or 'OK'. He was shouting it out to young ladies trying to enjoy themselves. We met some crazy Americans out on the ramble. We had lots of fun in the shape of a vodka bottle. When we got out of the pill head club a very lustful James and Tom went to go and find strippers. James's appalling sign language to try and help the taxi driver understand where to take them wasn't working too well. I remember him doing a thrusting motion and a grabbing of tits motion. After about 10 minutes of heckling and hilarious gestures from James, the taxi driver put them in the right direction... Straight to the whore houses. I and Austin were lying in bed when they arrived home (Tom couldn't get laid coz he was too ugly and James couldn't get it up). I pretended not to hear them knock on the door so Austin got up, when the door was opened James fell like a tree into the door way, and Toms poor efforts to squeeze past to avoid James's sprawled body failed miserably when he was also taken down. The room was a fucking mess when we woke up, there was chocolate m'n'm's all over the floor, the boys stank of alcohol, and they were dirty. It looked like a robber had been in... And left because it was such a pig sty. You'll be surprised what filth robbers go through.
Day 2: Stolen Funny Balls.
On this day Austin, Tom and I went to the Harley Davidson bar, I can't remember why the others didn't come out. We were fire breathing on stage and being bombarded by strange Slovakian men with heavy moustaches, beer bellies and skin heads. By the end of the night we couldn't move, so we decided to go get a taxi back. We got badly ripped off for our equivalent of 15 for 4/5 miles. Just as the taxi pulled up to the walk way to the hostel, Austin opened his door a little too early, dare I say he had a skin full, Austin fell out of the taxi onto the path with the car still moving, he managed to hold himself up as we paid. The night was about to get horrific. We got to the lobby where other people were up as well drinking. We went into the common room where Austin demanded that we hit him over the head as hard as we could with a wooden/steel chair. It was funny, we laughed, he cried.
James was in bed, he heard us coming up and left the door open so that we didn't have to disturb him with constant knocking. The door was left open till we all went to bed. During this time James while in the room, he was blissfully unaware that someone had snuck into our stinky messy shit hole and stole Austin's laptop, James coat and new camera, and an adaptor. We all came crashing in about 7AM. Austin couldn't sleep because he couldn't find his laptop and was going to beat Tom up for mislaying it.
To snore, or not to snore!
I was trying to sleep in bed, I had Tom on my right and Austin on my left. Tom denies being a serial snorer. but this particular night his snoring went to a whole new level. I had Austin snoring on the other side in stereo. Stereo snoring!!!!! I was nearly in tears trying to sleep; I kept on hitting them so that I could get a couple of seconds snore free. I screamed "FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!!! SSSSHHHHUT UUUUUUUUUUPPPPP!!!!!!" I went over to Tom and beat his arm for a couple of seconds. I then grabbed a packet of cigarettes, took two out, ripped them apart and shoved the ends in my ears. Eventually I just stayed awake. Tom was adamant that he was not guilty of snoring offenses.
When the afternoon came round and we realised that it had all been stolen there was carnage. Austin had bought a sword from the shooting range and was going to use it. James held up his newly bought porn DVD and said "ahh well at least they haven't taken my 'Funny Balls", and with that he opened the DVD case and funny balls was missing. That was the last straw; whoever stole the laptop had now gone for a bolder choice of swag. Austin didn't leave the room for 36 hours in fear that he'd kill someone. We agreed it was a good idea to keep him locked away. It was all fun and games until funny balls went missing.
Night 3.
We had a little drink before we came out and there was a problem with Sophie's heart, I saw the scar across her heart previously but I didn't ask. She had a sip of vodka and her heart started to go funny, so she stayed at the Hostile to recover while we went out with everyone from the hostel to the Harley Davidson bar. Now this was where the nocturnal powers of the infamous party couple emerged. They turned up after Sophie's recovery. I have never seen a girl swing from a horizontal pole like that before... well, ever. Sophie went mental chicken oriental. Sophie and Lee danced for 4 hours solid with no drugs!! Crazy! Both of them were being groped, I think the only reason why they danced for so long was because they liked it...?! I would have!
Slovakian food and Slovak people.
Absolute cheesathon. Cheese and egg, cheese on toast, cheese, ham and egg, cheese platter for dinner, braised pork knuckles, butter on everything, cheese swimming in butter, gone off fish swimming in butter, cheese, and shit. Don't go there if you don't like cheese... I didn't eat for 5 days. I ordered (as a last resort) from Mc Donald's a chicken salad. They asked me if I wanted a cheese sauce with that!! HELL NO!!!! When I opened it up, the cheese was smothered in salad, where was the salad!!!! No wonder why they've all got bad dressing sense. Cheese doesn't look good, neither did they.
The Slovakian people were extremely hostile towards the English, unfortunately, due to my ignorance, or lack of understanding I couldn't figure out why we were being targeted. They were badly dressed too. I was verbally assaulted by an old hobo in Mc Donald's after she asked me for money and I said 'Nie, prepacte'. Which means 'no, sorry.' She sneered at me and said 'Anglicky!! Phah!' which means 'Oh, you're fucking English, fuck you!!' The Mac Donald's hobo spoke down to me! I know I'm not perfect but I could have head-butted her before realising there would have been a riot if I'd have taken action on the grouchy scraggly old cat lady hobo. I should have just stuck you with a fork.
Night 4.
At the casino, Toms gambling had consumed everyday so far, there were 50 odd people in for the poker, Tom got down to the last 5 and unfortunately he lost. Then we got on the party boat. There was a bug eyed DJ on pills there, I noticed him from the hostel, and he denied staying there which was strange. I looked for the stolen laptop bag or a coat, he tried to get me to go to where ever he was staying, I refused. He was creepy. His stature fitted the description of the guy on CCTV camera. I told the others but they ignored it... Anyway. James was walking around with a pair of pants on his head that we'd dug out of a skip. I nearly weed myself laughing.
Then James took us on this wild goose chase at 6AM to find strippers. When we got there they were closed. We were well angry; it was also a whore house (a shut whore house) someone later told us. What the hell am I going to use a whore for?!?! Washing?!?!?! When we got back to the hostile James tried my high heels on, his feet couldn't fit in them entirely. He managed to take a couple of steps before loosing his balance, and at the moment of his descent (in slow motion) his leg went up and my shoe came flying off his foot. When his head reached the floor my shoe came following after, flying towards him and made a nasty assault on his forehead. We went upstairs to our room, I saw Tom and Austin lying in their beds, I couldn't deal with the snoring so I stayed in our Arabic friends' room in a bid to get some sleep before we have to move out at 10AM and that meant I managed to have a lie in!! Ha ha ha!!!
Day 5.
I stayed in the computer room to recover from The Harley Davidson bar the night before while the rest of them went go carting. I wanted to die, I didn't get as much sleep as I anticipated I would. We ate pizza, and I nearly spewed up from having a puff of one of the 'cigarettes of death'. If I haven't wrote a lot in between days it's only because I don't remember.
Exiting sheep testicle country...
We got back on the plane again with the giggles... The funniest thing was the flight captain was doing the flight speech and stats. Again we were still making noises.
"Ok ladies and gentlemen, your flight to London Stansted with be approximately, SSSSSHHHHH!!! Approximately 2 hours 10 minutes, we require that you pay strict SSSSSHHHHH!!!!!! Attention to the air stewards/hostesses as they guide you through..."
... Through bullshit. The first time he said ssshhh was hilarious, the captain was drowned out by (not just us) but the entire group of passengers, the second time I thought I was going to die of laughter. On the way back we were all saying Ssshhh!! SSSShhhhhh!!
Things you don't do on an aircraft. The game.
Rule number one: Don't pretend to be members of The Taliban, Al-Qaida or any other terrorist organisation.
Rule Two: Do not take any Weapons on board (whether legal or illegal).
Rule three: Do not mock flight crew or flight captain.
Rule four: Refrain from becoming intoxicated
...And what was your score? How many of these did you violate? 4 being excellent, 3 being mediocre, 2 being not too good and 1 being very very poor, or even 0 a total square.
If you violated all of these, then you must have been on the same flight. If you only scored one THEN YOU SUCK!!!
Throughout the trip everywhere we have Sam was with us in photograph, most of the Slovak people thought he was deceased. He had pictures with everyone, everywhere. We're busy organising the next trip, this time snoring will be prohibited, and anyone caught snoring will be prosecuted punished accordingly. Strictly no snoring.
The .. On a mission to get as drunk as possible...
Apparatus: 7 Ryan air boarding passes
6 people (one couldn't find passport and was left behind enemy lines.)
Wad of Koruna's
Combined lack of sleep per person throughout the trip = 11 hours.
The people profile from youngest to oldest:
*First was Sophie at 16 yrs old, not a very worldly wise person, but has a thirst to learn. She was the young vulnerable sweetheart of the group. However, under the cover of darkness she becomes a fully fledged party animal and crazy dancer. But did not tell us about her heart condition.
*Next was her boyfriend Lee at 17 (or could be 18) was diagnosed with ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) has a keen interest in mechanics. Again in night fall instead of being relatively quite, he turns into full time rave monster.
*Tom, looks like an absolute computer geek, with a severe history of gambling at such a young age we knew he was going to be fun... he proved us right very right. The snorer and joke teller of the group was also good at picking up languages and winning drinking money.
*James is a bit scatty and is known to have a way with words, his language skills are not the best, in fact they are awful. This man could put us in a lot of danger in the wrong place but with prior knowledge and previous trips to Eastern Europe, we thought he'd have a good incite. Measuring in at a Feather weight alcoholic.
*Austin, the smartest and oldest looking member of the group also has a gambling problem (but not as bad a Toms). This man is another crazy alcoholic equipped with Stinky feet but he has a good set of craniums.
*Me, I was the bitcher and whinger of the group. I am also a feather weight alco and professional farter and flabbergasterer. The only thing I could offer to the team was my language skills. I am also known to be a little bit crazy.
*Sam had no passport so he couldn't come. He is also a full time fruit cake too.
In the beginning.
Day one.
Airport drinking
We were all meeting at Austin and James's house to stay there for the night so that we were altogether for the hell flight in the morning, so that there was no frantic running about and disorganisation. Lee, Sophie and James went to bed (not all together though!) so Austin, Tom and myself stayed up till we were to arrive at the hostile in Bratislava. We had already been drinking, Austin said "Well why don't we go to the pub at the airport?" I knew I'd got myself into a tricky situation and I was going to die of tiredness. I can do the rock'n'roll but not all the time...
The taxi was due to pick us all up at 4AM; we arrived at the airport at 3AM. We weren't due to check in till 4:30. We managed to go through customs 4:40 as our friend Amy was checking us in, (thank you for the fast track Amy).
I and Tom went through customs on our own. Austin was going to have one last cigarette before going through the Indiana Jones customs section, (they had a rolling ball of doom to go through too!!). I have a well known track record of getting searched every time. Once again I bleeped going through the metal detector, a lady with curly dark ginger hair came bowling over to me and started (what I can only describe as) groping me. I get it every time... Maybe it's a sign. As she'd put her hands on my no-go zone I looked over at Tom, I smiled at him like I was enjoying getting groped by a big fat ginger lesbo (screaming on the inside).
I went into dream land and it was horrifying I felt sick. Anyway, SO... Austin turned up, we got drunk, and we proceeded to get drunk until the other rabble arrived at Wetherspoons.
When the others arrived, we ate and got on board. A slurring and very intoxicated Austin got abusive on the plane, as an airhostess ordered him to be quite for the all important emergency safety procedure (Which is also a legal requirement). At this point Austin was drunk and reeking of alcomahol, I was on antibiotics so I was giggling like a school girl and pulling faces.
Day 1 night.
I can't remember at the moment... I think we went to a casino. oh yeah we went to the uni to a pill head den, it was a right sausage fest.
James's sign language
Throughout the whole trip the only word that James managed to learn was 'Dobre' which means 'good' or 'OK'. He was shouting it out to young ladies trying to enjoy themselves. We met some crazy Americans out on the ramble. We had lots of fun in the shape of a vodka bottle. When we got out of the pill head club a very lustful James and Tom went to go and find strippers. James's appalling sign language to try and help the taxi driver understand where to take them wasn't working too well. I remember him doing a thrusting motion and a grabbing of tits motion. After about 10 minutes of heckling and hilarious gestures from James, the taxi driver put them in the right direction... Straight to the whore houses. I and Austin were lying in bed when they arrived home (Tom couldn't get laid coz he was too ugly and James couldn't get it up). I pretended not to hear them knock on the door so Austin got up, when the door was opened James fell like a tree into the door way, and Toms poor efforts to squeeze past to avoid James's sprawled body failed miserably when he was also taken down. The room was a fucking mess when we woke up, there was chocolate m'n'm's all over the floor, the boys stank of alcohol, and they were dirty. It looked like a robber had been in... And left because it was such a pig sty. You'll be surprised what filth robbers go through.
Day 2: Stolen Funny Balls.
On this day Austin, Tom and I went to the Harley Davidson bar, I can't remember why the others didn't come out. We were fire breathing on stage and being bombarded by strange Slovakian men with heavy moustaches, beer bellies and skin heads. By the end of the night we couldn't move, so we decided to go get a taxi back. We got badly ripped off for our equivalent of 15 for 4/5 miles. Just as the taxi pulled up to the walk way to the hostel, Austin opened his door a little too early, dare I say he had a skin full, Austin fell out of the taxi onto the path with the car still moving, he managed to hold himself up as we paid. The night was about to get horrific. We got to the lobby where other people were up as well drinking. We went into the common room where Austin demanded that we hit him over the head as hard as we could with a wooden/steel chair. It was funny, we laughed, he cried.
James was in bed, he heard us coming up and left the door open so that we didn't have to disturb him with constant knocking. The door was left open till we all went to bed. During this time James while in the room, he was blissfully unaware that someone had snuck into our stinky messy shit hole and stole Austin's laptop, James coat and new camera, and an adaptor. We all came crashing in about 7AM. Austin couldn't sleep because he couldn't find his laptop and was going to beat Tom up for mislaying it.
To snore, or not to snore!
I was trying to sleep in bed, I had Tom on my right and Austin on my left. Tom denies being a serial snorer. but this particular night his snoring went to a whole new level. I had Austin snoring on the other side in stereo. Stereo snoring!!!!! I was nearly in tears trying to sleep; I kept on hitting them so that I could get a couple of seconds snore free. I screamed "FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!!! SSSSHHHHUT UUUUUUUUUUPPPPP!!!!!!" I went over to Tom and beat his arm for a couple of seconds. I then grabbed a packet of cigarettes, took two out, ripped them apart and shoved the ends in my ears. Eventually I just stayed awake. Tom was adamant that he was not guilty of snoring offenses.
When the afternoon came round and we realised that it had all been stolen there was carnage. Austin had bought a sword from the shooting range and was going to use it. James held up his newly bought porn DVD and said "ahh well at least they haven't taken my 'Funny Balls", and with that he opened the DVD case and funny balls was missing. That was the last straw; whoever stole the laptop had now gone for a bolder choice of swag. Austin didn't leave the room for 36 hours in fear that he'd kill someone. We agreed it was a good idea to keep him locked away. It was all fun and games until funny balls went missing.
Night 3.
We had a little drink before we came out and there was a problem with Sophie's heart, I saw the scar across her heart previously but I didn't ask. She had a sip of vodka and her heart started to go funny, so she stayed at the Hostile to recover while we went out with everyone from the hostel to the Harley Davidson bar. Now this was where the nocturnal powers of the infamous party couple emerged. They turned up after Sophie's recovery. I have never seen a girl swing from a horizontal pole like that before... well, ever. Sophie went mental chicken oriental. Sophie and Lee danced for 4 hours solid with no drugs!! Crazy! Both of them were being groped, I think the only reason why they danced for so long was because they liked it...?! I would have!
Slovakian food and Slovak people.
Absolute cheesathon. Cheese and egg, cheese on toast, cheese, ham and egg, cheese platter for dinner, braised pork knuckles, butter on everything, cheese swimming in butter, gone off fish swimming in butter, cheese, and shit. Don't go there if you don't like cheese... I didn't eat for 5 days. I ordered (as a last resort) from Mc Donald's a chicken salad. They asked me if I wanted a cheese sauce with that!! HELL NO!!!! When I opened it up, the cheese was smothered in salad, where was the salad!!!! No wonder why they've all got bad dressing sense. Cheese doesn't look good, neither did they.
The Slovakian people were extremely hostile towards the English, unfortunately, due to my ignorance, or lack of understanding I couldn't figure out why we were being targeted. They were badly dressed too. I was verbally assaulted by an old hobo in Mc Donald's after she asked me for money and I said 'Nie, prepacte'. Which means 'no, sorry.' She sneered at me and said 'Anglicky!! Phah!' which means 'Oh, you're fucking English, fuck you!!' The Mac Donald's hobo spoke down to me! I know I'm not perfect but I could have head-butted her before realising there would have been a riot if I'd have taken action on the grouchy scraggly old cat lady hobo. I should have just stuck you with a fork.
Night 4.
At the casino, Toms gambling had consumed everyday so far, there were 50 odd people in for the poker, Tom got down to the last 5 and unfortunately he lost. Then we got on the party boat. There was a bug eyed DJ on pills there, I noticed him from the hostel, and he denied staying there which was strange. I looked for the stolen laptop bag or a coat, he tried to get me to go to where ever he was staying, I refused. He was creepy. His stature fitted the description of the guy on CCTV camera. I told the others but they ignored it... Anyway. James was walking around with a pair of pants on his head that we'd dug out of a skip. I nearly weed myself laughing.
Then James took us on this wild goose chase at 6AM to find strippers. When we got there they were closed. We were well angry; it was also a whore house (a shut whore house) someone later told us. What the hell am I going to use a whore for?!?! Washing?!?!?! When we got back to the hostile James tried my high heels on, his feet couldn't fit in them entirely. He managed to take a couple of steps before loosing his balance, and at the moment of his descent (in slow motion) his leg went up and my shoe came flying off his foot. When his head reached the floor my shoe came following after, flying towards him and made a nasty assault on his forehead. We went upstairs to our room, I saw Tom and Austin lying in their beds, I couldn't deal with the snoring so I stayed in our Arabic friends' room in a bid to get some sleep before we have to move out at 10AM and that meant I managed to have a lie in!! Ha ha ha!!!
Day 5.
I stayed in the computer room to recover from The Harley Davidson bar the night before while the rest of them went go carting. I wanted to die, I didn't get as much sleep as I anticipated I would. We ate pizza, and I nearly spewed up from having a puff of one of the 'cigarettes of death'. If I haven't wrote a lot in between days it's only because I don't remember.
Exiting sheep testicle country...
We got back on the plane again with the giggles... The funniest thing was the flight captain was doing the flight speech and stats. Again we were still making noises.
"Ok ladies and gentlemen, your flight to London Stansted with be approximately, SSSSSHHHHH!!! Approximately 2 hours 10 minutes, we require that you pay strict SSSSSHHHHH!!!!!! Attention to the air stewards/hostesses as they guide you through..."
... Through bullshit. The first time he said ssshhh was hilarious, the captain was drowned out by (not just us) but the entire group of passengers, the second time I thought I was going to die of laughter. On the way back we were all saying Ssshhh!! SSSShhhhhh!!
Things you don't do on an aircraft. The game.
Rule number one: Don't pretend to be members of The Taliban, Al-Qaida or any other terrorist organisation.
Rule Two: Do not take any Weapons on board (whether legal or illegal).
Rule three: Do not mock flight crew or flight captain.
Rule four: Refrain from becoming intoxicated
...And what was your score? How many of these did you violate? 4 being excellent, 3 being mediocre, 2 being not too good and 1 being very very poor, or even 0 a total square.
If you violated all of these, then you must have been on the same flight. If you only scored one THEN YOU SUCK!!!
Throughout the trip everywhere we have Sam was with us in photograph, most of the Slovak people thought he was deceased. He had pictures with everyone, everywhere. We're busy organising the next trip, this time snoring will be prohibited, and anyone caught snoring will be prosecuted punished accordingly. Strictly no snoring.

can't wait for your set to go up! x