mmm hello to all my friends
hope you well???
ah it long weekend
the rest of my week was ok especially wednesday when liverpool won he cup
i went to work on thursday and glated like hell
some people were pissed off cause they are not from the uk and are against anything british so they were backing milan
so i just gave them the middle finger
my boss gave me 3 hours 'overtime' this week cause the forman was on holiday and i did his job for the week
went shopping yesterday bought some dvds a new mp3 player and new earphones
if you guys got a mp3 player and the earphone jack is the straight typ get yourself the bent one
my last one was the straight typ and i sat down one day and
it broke the jack plug
going car shopping with one of my mates today
going to my family in essex tomorrow to watch the airshow in southend
was good in 2003 so hope it will be good this year
hope you guys have a rocking weekend
ooh i got new shoes on thursday they nice
hope you well???
ah it long weekend

the rest of my week was ok especially wednesday when liverpool won he cup
i went to work on thursday and glated like hell
some people were pissed off cause they are not from the uk and are against anything british so they were backing milan
so i just gave them the middle finger
my boss gave me 3 hours 'overtime' this week cause the forman was on holiday and i did his job for the week
went shopping yesterday bought some dvds a new mp3 player and new earphones
if you guys got a mp3 player and the earphone jack is the straight typ get yourself the bent one
my last one was the straight typ and i sat down one day and
it broke the jack plug
going car shopping with one of my mates today
going to my family in essex tomorrow to watch the airshow in southend
was good in 2003 so hope it will be good this year
hope you guys have a rocking weekend
ooh i got new shoes on thursday they nice


their like street rats hanging around in pacts.
how long are you in the UK????