I saw this today and it really hit me.
"People will forget what you said.
People will forget what you did,
But people will never forget
how you made them feel."
It's so true too. I don't always remember the specifics of what people said to me or did to me but I do remember how they made me feel...whether good or bad. But I do know that I try to be kind to everyone...and sometimes that can be a real test!
Anyways...that was deep enough for a Friday afternoon.
So I took my last final exam today. I got a B+ in this programming class I was in. So that's my last final ever....or until I try to go to grad school again! For now it's working on getting a good job. I'm stilling waiting to hear about the interview I went on a month ago. I hope I get it.
Oh I'm going to see Harry Potter tomorrow morning with my friend. We already bought our tickets! I can't wait. It will be the first Harry Potter movie that I see in the theatre!!! I've read all the books. And for my birthday next year, if it's open...I want to go here!
That's all, hope you're having a good Friday!!!
Please send me a message or comment and interact with me before you friend request me. I probably won't accept you if you haven't attempted to actually make friends with me first. That's all I ask!
"People will forget what you said.
People will forget what you did,
But people will never forget
how you made them feel."
It's so true too. I don't always remember the specifics of what people said to me or did to me but I do remember how they made me feel...whether good or bad. But I do know that I try to be kind to everyone...and sometimes that can be a real test!
Anyways...that was deep enough for a Friday afternoon.
So I took my last final exam today. I got a B+ in this programming class I was in. So that's my last final ever....or until I try to go to grad school again! For now it's working on getting a good job. I'm stilling waiting to hear about the interview I went on a month ago. I hope I get it.
Oh I'm going to see Harry Potter tomorrow morning with my friend. We already bought our tickets! I can't wait. It will be the first Harry Potter movie that I see in the theatre!!! I've read all the books. And for my birthday next year, if it's open...I want to go here!
That's all, hope you're having a good Friday!!!
Please send me a message or comment and interact with me before you friend request me. I probably won't accept you if you haven't attempted to actually make friends with me first. That's all I ask!
I'm so going to steal it!
Hope you had a lovely weekend
which is a huge relief
i was such a wreck while he was gone