So I heard back from a job!!! There are many steps for it. I qualified to do an online assessment. I took it last Tuesday night and it took me 2 hours. At the end it said that I would hear back about my results in 30-45 days. Well I heard back today. Less than 6 days later (including weekends). And my results? Well I was ranked as "Potential Rating: CATEGORY A SUPERIOR" which means that I am given first priority for an interview. I'm shocked. I never thought I'd get put in the top category of anything. Maybe after over 2 years of sacrificing and working so hard for things, something is going right. Here's hoping the interview goes well.
This is a new beginning for me. Screw a bruised heart and the boys that hurt me. I'm movin on up!
And I know I promised to explain what happened with the guy soon, but not today, Only happy news today.
Oh and did anyone see Dancing with the Stars tonight? The competition is getting tight. But I will say the one of the judges, Len, made an unnecessarily mean comment to Ty. I mean, I know he's not the greatest, but dude, don't hate!
That's all for now. If the job thing happens I can start checking things off of my to do list! WOOT!!!
This is a new beginning for me. Screw a bruised heart and the boys that hurt me. I'm movin on up!
And I know I promised to explain what happened with the guy soon, but not today, Only happy news today.
Oh and did anyone see Dancing with the Stars tonight? The competition is getting tight. But I will say the one of the judges, Len, made an unnecessarily mean comment to Ty. I mean, I know he's not the greatest, but dude, don't hate!
That's all for now. If the job thing happens I can start checking things off of my to do list! WOOT!!!
that's why I get so angry at myself
because it's just a matter of me being motivated to do it
My newest motivation came from cleaning out my house
and finding old pictures of when I used to dance
I probably can't get back to that great of shape
because I don't have as much time for that as I used to
but I can definitely try and get close
if that makes sense?
I don't know
I just give up trying to figure out those darn judges haha
Anyway, have fun at class tonight!
Sass the salsa up!