So it's weird...I've been thinking about and missing my ex a lot lately, something fierce. It's weird because he dropped out of my life over a year ago, no good bye, no nothing. We'd been friends for a year and a half after breaking up so I'm not sure why the sudden disappearence. He, his best friend and his best friends girl friend...I'll give you a second to connect it? good...they left myspace and hotmail suddenly at the same time. He lives in England so it's not like I can just get my car and go by and be like "Hey dude, what's up?". His birthday was 8 days ago. I'd have emailed him, but I did that last year and they got kicked back undelieverable. I hope he's doing well and everything's ok with him. I'm sure he's found someone amazing and he's taken care of and has all the greatness he deserves in life. I miss our chats most. Even if we talked about a whole lotta nothing, I felt better afterwards...I'd always walk away very calm and clear and felt like I could handle all my problems. But most of all...I just miss our friendship. He was my best friend who I happened to fall in love with too. He's an amazing guy. He's a huge reason that I am who I am today. I guess I should be more thankful he was in my life briefly...
But hey...such is life and part of growing up right?
But hey...such is life and part of growing up right?