Went to a frat village Halloween Party tonight. I have never been to a frat type cookie cutter party before, and well, it was exactly like I had pictured it would be. A bunch a pathetic people with no personalities, lots of stupid girls (LOTS!!!), bad bad bad music, and nothing interesting at all going on. I went because a friend of mine invited me along with some other people from school, so chatting with them was fun. But it was something I do not plan on participating in again anytime soon. My friend Bryan accompanied me which was cool and we both got yellow cups. The party was a "stoplight party".... red=taken yellow=interested in someone green=single We both chose yellow due to the smaller size of the red cup (less al-kee-hol) and decided that none of the people there were worth getting a green cup over. Such a retarded concept...
So that was my day. I get to sleep for 2 hours now and then I have homework to finish before class at 9am. I leave you with this link... I fucking LOVE
T-shirt Hell :
T-shirt Hell News Article
So that was my day. I get to sleep for 2 hours now and then I have homework to finish before class at 9am. I leave you with this link... I fucking LOVE

T-shirt Hell News Article

I'm going to have a ninja/geisha party sometime. I know a samurai would be more appropriate instead of the ninja, but ninja costumes are easier to make...
Where the hell am I going with this...? I don't know....
That's also where my fraternal affiliation comes from.
Don't I sound all high & mighty, using "fraternal affiliation" in a sentence.
From January-September 2001, I attended Wyoming Technical Institute. That's where I received my $5000 green shirts (so called because I received four shirts with my $20,000 education) I'm wearing in almost every pic of me on this site.
Now, as for wallet detritus...I have a Mad Munchies card, redeemable at the sole location of Mad Munchies in Granby, CO. Only eight more subs to go!
Hmm...BAC card from CSP...very handy for laughing at during parties.
My State of Michigan Motor Vehicle Mechanic Trainee Permit (expired 1/24/04)...
Handy-dandy Rochester QuadraJet s/n decode sheet...
My cam card.
My time card for the Fraser, CO, Safeway...
One coupon good for $1.00 off any Safeway Select item...
And the piece of resistance--my faithful socket & wrench wish list. It's the ancillary list to the main Tool Want List I have on my yellow notepad in my back pocket. After all, a man-about-town needs his PDA.
Now, who was the "dork and loser" again?