Well, it took two people, my bestest friends (we share secrets, have sleepovers, do each others nails, shake down hippies for their mary jane cash... yknow just typical guy stuff)... and my sister... it took until 4:00am... I broke back into the house in the afternoon, to see if I may have left a penny, and sure enuf a few and a dime!
Going to England soon, so... Paris hopefully, hopefully Netherlands, need to make my QueazyJet reservations when I get some cash put in my bank.
More multimedia fun soon to follow.

Hey, why not visit my friend's bookstore on line, or give her a call if you're looking for something from Japan, or otherwise... Just keep in mind the time difference, because arguing with people you wake up in Japan is a bummer!
Green E Books
2F 9-5 Kawabata Marutamachi
Higashiiru, Higasi marutacho,
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto
tel&fax: +81-75-751-5033
ps. Arigatou Gozaimasu to those who have allready visited the site, she has told me she's gotten some hits from my journal. Domo!

The Shanti Project. Providing assistance and home care to the victimcs of HIV & Aids.
Do you honour diversity and believe in the basic rights of humans to persue their happiness in the ways they see fit, without your judgement? Give Respect to the Harvey Milk Foundation

Miss Kennedy with manners transposed the teatray down to an upturned lithia crate, safe from eyes, low.
Joyce.James, Ulyssyes.
why is that
everybody on there is a poet
how dumb
ill try to stop on that site sometime soon
i havent found it extremely intriguing or helpful the last couple times i glanced at it
so are you heading overseas/sees