Outside the world is crisp and blue, refreshing fall weather, beautiful weather. I feel like hell, trapped in a black free-fall. The contrast between the two makes both seem more extreme. -anonymous
I feel ill, I'm lying down with some xanax under my pillow, i'll catch up with those i've been slow to reply to, and those who i should in any case... i'm just tired. tired as hell.
the calm cool face of the river asked me for a kiss. hughes. langston.

Definieve datum: 17 - 18 - 19 september. Hier opgeven!!
Meeting is in Beverwijk. Meer info volgt.
Geef je middels een reply op voor deze meeting.
Komt wel:
1- Quest
2- Zylar
3- jimmy. intro via zylar alleen zondag
4- zeuzz, zaterdag
5- NoiZe
6- DrabbeR (*)
7- AppeL
8- Ummagumma, zaterdag en zondag
9- Shady, zaterdag en zondag
10- Broeder (*)
11- Mistig, zaterdag
12- Roel, zaterdag
13- Emmo, vrijdag tot zaterdag (geen PC mee)
14- acidbear (yeah!) - uhm, that's me
(*) checkt het nog.
- rV
Komt niet:
- Grubeater
- Skortila
- Goodlife
- Schuumert
- KiDD
...Shoot out the lights, and pour down like silver.

Miss_Lady accompanied me to my DJ gig tonight (er last night) at Knock Knock, a bar I've played at for maybe 5 years, and seen 3 different owners... all and all it was a good night... I was told 'indie' so I brought a lot of that, along w/ some older obscure 80s stee'.... luckily I had my trusty International DJ Gigilos 2xCD to help me put the Clash in electro... well, electroclash is dead, but these fucks don't know... we did this 2 years ago, and nobody was ready for it... Miss Kitten, Play Miss Kitten, F Her.... Next week will be better, and I give out props to Jacob who deemed me his 'new favourite DJ', and my boy "Chris" for going mental most of the time, and shame on Heather Chriis's boo for doing shots w/ the mZ.... next week we'll show them that they cant fade the 303/407 Djs, and bring the 031 country shit full in effect. Why am I typing like a wanna be dork... because I'm a mong.
This mong loves you, especially miss_lady for staying as long as she did... Listen Miike, when a lady says, "Let's go now", it means "Let's F'n Go"... Detroit in Effect, y'all!

Yet if over hill and hollow Still it is your will to follow, I am off;---to heel, Apollo! -Millay. Edna St. Vincent.

I'm getting my hair, cut+dyed soon, and I want to get extentions, not PARIS HILTON style extentions, just little ones... go ask miss_lady if that will be cool... everything will be Jet-Black w/ Blood Red.

the dead are very close -Sexton. Anne.

What is this guy, 14? How can someone who's 14 be so much better than us? Fuck, his whole thing is perfect, from the old Sid Vicious neck chain to the new Casualties shirt. The only thing bad I could say about his look is that my dick isn't in his mouth (just kidding?).
---Vice Magazine.

If there had been no doctors, there would never have been patients, no skeletons of the diseased dead to butcher and flay, for it is through doctors and not through patients that society began -Artaud. Antonin.

Okay... What is it with Ani Difrranco, I know she's supposed to be empowering and what not, but I wish someone would empower her a comb. And who is this drongo with her? If he was going for that rail-car riding hobo on a murder spree look, he's certainly nailed it. And god, I can't even imagine what he smells like.
The only thing that would complete his look more would be if the top of his hat were open like a tin can... Dude, use some of that Ganja money to go buy a few outfits from Fred Segal... you don't have to look like a fugitive trucker to earn street cred. Yuck.

a sequence of blurs the Chinese painter's ink-stick planned, a scene of desolation comforted by two human figures recklessly exposed... -Rich. Adrienne.

Go check Ovida's Steelo, you fucks... I'm serious... she's puttin' it on wax, & did you go hit up my girrrrlie miss_lady yet? No? Come on son, don't sweat the technique!

Paris Latino by Bandalero Crew is my favourite song right now, so you can kindly fuck off with all your new shit, and what not... yeah... listen to "Paris Latino", that's the fucking DOGS.... naw mean?

I was like the wild Chrythanthemum.... Paris Latino!

Tiny is in my favourites for now, in temporary place of Aries, whom me and miss_lady both lurve... because fuck you, that's why!
Vodka has no taste to me. Not really, I can outdrink my own super GF! Kotobuki GAL! miss_lady ...go make fun of her... I don't know why now. I used to be a little pansy boy... losing my cookies all over but you know.
Just like a pansy.. there's always
I've got to tell you
It's that blood, blood on the floor
It's that blood, blood on the floor
It's that blood, blood on the floor
It's that blood, blood on the floor
At the little school I went out
I broke the rules
School bully with his
Crew cut and his big shoulders
Telling me I was a pansy
Just like always
Blood on the floor
Blood on the door, dooor
Listen to Slayer - South of Heaven, and don't be a nu-metal fuck.... be good to your mom and dad, and love your fam... and yeah... don't be afraid to believe in something. Nihilism is for cowards.
I love you all! Especially and Most exceptionally my own miss_lady, but I still love you all just the same! Dig it!

Koroshiya Comes.

Ay seguir el amio que aleja de dodo... -Neruda. Pablo.

In the lurking places I lure, One with the sullen dark. What's hell but a cold heart? But who, faced with her face, Would not rejoice? -Roethke. Theodore.

Now that I have that out of the way.
Umm, EN anybody? Can? Metal Machine Music? Unfinished Music? Glenn Branca? Bush Tetras? John Zorn? Eyeless in Gaza? Test Dept? John Cage? Swans? Throbbing Gristle? Psychick TV? Z'ev? ...ad nauseum
There was avant-garde before Mr. Bungle, folks. Really.
Extenstions, though? Hmmm...any judgements might have to wait until the final results are in...