Don't bogart from the till. That's all I'm saying man. You know, you just don't walk into somebody's Casa and start looking through their fridge ad hominem do you? No you don't senior! So don't try to sell me 4 new tires when I only need one, allright? And don't think I haven't counted the pennies in the ash tray.
Having just written that, it's impossible to look at the word pennies without it somehow looking like 'penises'... what the hell... I have to run or else I might 'catch the gay'...
Someone go post in my Vader thread and make it a hit in HOOK UP.
Senator Sore Loserman.

I'll tell you about punk rock: punk rock is a word used by dillitante's and ah... and ah... heartless manipulators about music that takes up the energies and the bodies and the hearts and the souls and the time and the minds of young men who give what they have to it and give everything they have to it and it's a... it's a term that's based on contempt, it's a term that's based on fashion, style, elitism, satanism and everything that's rotten about rock'n'roll. I don't know Johnny Rotten but I'm sure... I'm sure he puts as much blood and sweat into what he does as Sigmund Freud did. You see, what sounds to you like a big load of trashy old noise is in fact the brilliant music of a genius, myself . And that music is so powerful that it's quite beyond my control and ah... when I'm in the grips of it I don't feel pleasure and I don't feel pain, either physically or emotionally. Do you understand what I'm talking about? Have you ever felt like that? When you just couldn't feel anything and you didn't want to either. You know? Like that? Do you understand what I'm saying sir?
--Iggy Pop.

I'm confining myself to my journal, and others, with the odd post here and there... There's nothing more frustrating than the notion that association by default makes one better or worse, or that something critical is obviously and completely beyond the pale of possible truth, since by god, how could one's own personal actions ever be wrong?
I'm in the room, with the Chloral Hydrate, talking to the people from Yr.
I'm not trying to harass people, just question motives that seem at best questionable, and even when they are admited to be elitest, still it is lorded like the Skull & Bones society.
It's a mistake (mine) to just blatantly attack the status quo, it's just impossible, even when others have said the same, to walk away with any thing more than frustration.
In the end, it's best that I become the boy from Silent Snow, Secret Snow, imagining the world covered in white outside, and not looking.... because you walk out the door, and it's a blizzard.
I spent hours again, wishing you well.

Burningly it came on me all at once,
This was the place! those two hills on the right,
Crouched like two bulls locked horn in horn in fight;
While to the left, a tall scalped mountain . . . Dunce,
Dotard, a-dozing at the very nonce,
After a life spent training for the sight!

What in the midst lay but the Tower itself?
The round squat turret, blind as the fool's heart
Built of brown stone, without a counterpart
In the whole world. The tempest's mocking elf
Points to the shipman thus the unseen shelf
He strikes on, only when the timbers start.

Not see? because of night perhaps?--why, day
Came back again for that! before it left,
The dying sunset kindled through a cleft:
The hills, like giants at a hunting, lay
Chin upon hand, to see the game at bay,--
"Now stab and end the creature--to the heft!"

Not hear? when noise was everywhere! it tolled
Increasing like a bell. Names in my ears
Of all the lost adventurers my peers,--
How such a one was strong, and such was bold,
And such was fortunate, yet each of old
Lost, lost! one moment knelled the woe of years.

There they stood, ranged along the hillsides, met
To view the last of me, a living frame
For one more picture! in a sheet of flame
I saw them and I knew them all. And yet
Dauntless the slug-horn to my lips I set,
And blew, "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower came."
-Robert Browning.

alienaintion & black magick.

Hey are u okay? u went to the hospital? u got kicked out of ur apartment?? geees tons of news while u were gone huh?? I miss u.
well alot has happened with my little world over in MA too. I am starting my new job on the 29th, besides that, boyfriend is not a boyfriend anymore, got lucky last night with a boy lol, and I'm still doing freelance work on the side. Wut's up with u?? yeah grudge is out but hven't seen it yet. and the saw -- I heard good things about it but then again, i don't know if i wanna see it in the theatre cuz nobody wants to see it with me lol.