Sometimes you feel like laying in bed, even though its not night time at all... thats the way I feel now. Strange Daze.
oyasumi nasai
I am very sad today, because I have learned that my very first friend on SG, miss_lady, has a very troublesome predicament, that I will leave to you to read in her journal. It is not her that is ill, but one she loves dearly as any daughter should.
Please, on my honour, if you would do me this courtesy to pay your well wishes, and wish those at hand "ODAIJINI", which in the japanese language means "be well", for those that are sick.
My prayers are with them, my heart, a candle. Ai. Ai. Ai.
Hajimemashite my SG sempai! I hope that you'll enjoy my stay here, and I hope to meet some of you soon... I've heard tales that the 'hi i'm new!' post is a no no, so I'll just cruise.... This place is ichiban naa!!
ja ne!
I just wanted to say hi to my fellow Japanese SG member!!! Where are you in Japan??
Silly hipster kids.