Ok, here it is. What you've all been waiting for.

The update.

Ok, so last week I got a second job working at the Hyatt Hotel in Newport Beach as a telephone operator. Its really fun work, all I do is answer phones, transfer them, and surf the internet all day. I get paid $10 an hour to check my myspace...lmao. The only thing that...
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RE: your posting asking for advice, CA public colleges won't take into consideration whether you've been emancipated from your parents. If you want them not to take your dad's income into account you pretty much need to be 25, in the millitary, or married.

I was in your same boat. My parents were willing to help, but they couldn't afford to give me as much as FAFSA said they should. My friend and I seriously discussed jumping in a car and heading to Vegas to get married to get more financial aid. I'm not saying that's a good idea.

Don't let your dad make you feel bad about it. Tell him that school now is WAY more expensive than it was when he was young (tuition rates have gone up by X% since then while average incomes have only gone up by Y%). It can't hurt to ask, right? But DON'T let him make you feel bad about it. You're 19 years old, you haven't had much time to become finacially responsible/solvent on your own.
i want that job! hehehe
Hey SG! I MISS YOU!! I'll be back later with a full update on my life, but for now I just want you to know I still think about you all the time! kiss kiss
well we miss you too. so hurry back and fill us in on your life. inquiring minds want to know!

I sent my resume on monster to two places a couple nights ago at 4am. Long Story short, I went to one of 2 interviews today and got hired at the Hyatt on Jamboree as a phone operator. I will be working 8hrs a day, 5 days a week, at $10 an hour. PLUS, I get a free lunch at...
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Congratulations smile I grew up right nearby that Hyatt.

I totally sympathize with the "playstation in your birthday suit" dream. I think it's something everyone wants smile
Wanted to send a quick hello and to wish you a wonderful week.
kiss love
Ok, I'm getting really freaked out! I'm afraid to ask this, because I don't know if I'll get in trouble or not but...


I know about Katie and Apnea, but what happened to Voltaire? And Stormy? And everyone else who's being archived lately? I'm getting kind of scared. I hope SG is doing ok.

Sorry if this gets me...
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email me your set asap... i cannot connect to the internet often, but i will make the effort for you, my greatest SG friend! email me at cnoren@gonavy.com if you want to stay in touch, i would love to see/hear how your doing! -Red.

[Edited on Oct 04, 2005 7:20PM]
i'm w/ you..... i'm confused as shit. blackeyed
Alright, I'm feeling alittle bit better.

All I can say is - Parents suck.

My mom and dad are putting me in the middle of their little tiff right now, and I don't appreciate it one bit. Took another set today and now my photgrapher and I are going to go through the two we've taken so far and decide which one we like better....
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Get the money back that you can. Then never loan money. And I mean, NEVER loan money. You have to ask about it if you want it. "Hey, I'm gonna need that $300 from you today or tomorrow so I can pay rent. Okay? Thanks." Good luck on the essay, which is hopefully almost finished.
Today is the first time in all of my years, that I feel bad about not going to work. Even more intruiging is the fact that I have a legitimate reason. I feel like death.

Death surrounds me, it has engulfed me in its morbid beauty and I cannot, for the life of me, find my way out. Today I have realized, I don't have...
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If you HONESTLY need to ask that question to me, you should go beat yourself unconscious with a rock. You know I am always willing to chat with you, even though you dont know me. I am more then willing to feel your pain and help you through anything, and even though our 'friendship' exists only through 1s and 0s, through the electricty... I still harbor no indifference to you.

We all wear armor to protect our hearts. Sometimes the armor drags us down. That's where we need our friends... to help take off that armor and rest in the safety of like-minded people. The ones who turn you away, they aren't your friends. I wish I could give you a kiss, a hug, and a band-aid to make it all better, but I cannot. Moments like these help define your character, and your worth as an individual. Dont go thinking that your useless or that you should die, because no matter how bad it gets, it eventually WILL get better, and then you will shine. I told you once before, you need to make reality your bitch and drag it screaming. moments like this is where you need to kick it the most. Stay strong, no matter who turns their back on you, know that I am rooting for you and I know you will come back, bruised and bloody but stronger then ever.

I am always here if you care to chat...

PS> Sorry for the novel. smile


[Edited on Sep 12, 2005 11:01AM]
nothing here bord..sorry about everything frown
So, what have I been doing? Not much. I know I keep promising you guys sets and all this, but everybody around me is too busy, or just not interested. I really am trying. I'm sorry I've failed you so far. frown

But, I will prevail. My friend Madison and I are going through set after set trying to find something interesting, and I'm pretty sure...
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:-( i was gonna bug you, but if its that far, nevermind wink thanks though!
if your willing to drive down to port hueneme.... i wont have a car there.... im there for two weeks and then im out to ft bliss. msg me if you want my # and we can discuss this further...
This was going to be really long and angry about how I hate this and that. It even came with apologies. But I give up. I don't want to do ANY of this anymore.

I just want to give up.
Give up on what?
dont be glum chum, life will throw you curve balls your entire time, you have to run with it. drag that drunk bitch named 'reality' kicking and screaming into the depths of hell so the motherfucker knows who you are when you spit in her face! Keep it intense and never let it go!

Or, You could just go to sleep and have a better day tomorrow. I hope this cheered you up a bit.

Sorry for the novel, its just my way of saying that I hope you will feel better and if you ever feel the need to email some random asshole to talk about your problems... hit me up wink

Much love.
Hello everyone, this blog is not pointed at anyone at this site. I just needed to get all this off my chest. *muah!*

But before the bitchy rant, I'll just talk about my day today....

In my AWESOME English class today, my teacher gave us a sheet of thesis statements her graduate school classmates had written and her paper was on food companies using religion...
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Get better, we are all pulling for you.

Also, do you want me to drive north and woop the shit out of some motherfuckers? I am going to iraq, its not like im going to be easy to find me and arrest me after all of this. wink think it over when your laying comatose feeding yourself bon-bons.

Good luck with work, I am sure you will prevail marvelously... because you got to! -Red.

[Edited on Sep 03, 2005 6:22AM]
No more novel then my own, and I enjoy it so much more then "yea, i know what you mean, bye *insert character face here"*

maybe not killed... maybe maimed... need them maimed? smile Thanks for the comment.

Take care, let me know how work ends up...
Thanks to the banners on this site, I have just found out that T.A.T.U is coming out with a new album in October. Ok, some people don't like them, but I happen to ADORE them, so I am uber exctied for it. I just hope its as great as the last one!

Ahh, so not much happening. The other night, I moved out of my...
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I love TATU!!! they are one of the cds on when I want some "personal" time with myself. Weren't they running for President of Russia or something????
Welcome to SGOC.. I hope you make it out to some events smile