So, what have I been doing? Not much. I know I keep promising you guys sets and all this, but everybody around me is too busy, or just not interested. I really am trying. I'm sorry I've failed you so far.
But, I will prevail. My friend Madison and I are going through set after set trying to find something interesting, and I'm pretty sure I know what I'm going to do, I just need Brie to ok it. Gosh, all this stuff is so nervewracking! I just want it all to be over and done with!
I'm no longer sick, thank you for all of your well-wishings. Especially you Red, you're, like, one of the only people who consistently comments on my entries and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Oh and Bettie_Page too..Love ya!
However, my love life has unfortunately gotten steadily worse. My boyfriend is boring and doesn't even kiss me with passion anymore. He doesn't tell me I'm beautiful or even just "pretty" anymore. (Which makes my belief in getting on this site dwindle down to nothing). But I love him, what can I do? He is unfortunately the type that doesn't do well with confrontation so if I ask him if something is wrong he says no and acts like I'm the crazy one.
Whatever. He'll get over it, or I'll find myself a new boyfriend. Thats all there is to it. See, I feel better now. You guys are so easy to talk to!

But, I will prevail. My friend Madison and I are going through set after set trying to find something interesting, and I'm pretty sure I know what I'm going to do, I just need Brie to ok it. Gosh, all this stuff is so nervewracking! I just want it all to be over and done with!
I'm no longer sick, thank you for all of your well-wishings. Especially you Red, you're, like, one of the only people who consistently comments on my entries and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Oh and Bettie_Page too..Love ya!
However, my love life has unfortunately gotten steadily worse. My boyfriend is boring and doesn't even kiss me with passion anymore. He doesn't tell me I'm beautiful or even just "pretty" anymore. (Which makes my belief in getting on this site dwindle down to nothing). But I love him, what can I do? He is unfortunately the type that doesn't do well with confrontation so if I ask him if something is wrong he says no and acts like I'm the crazy one.


:-( i was gonna bug you, but if its that far, nevermind
thanks though!

if your willing to drive down to port hueneme.... i wont have a car there.... im there for two weeks and then im out to ft bliss. msg me if you want my # and we can discuss this further...