Hello everyone, this blog is not pointed at anyone at this site. I just needed to get all this off my chest. *muah!*
But before the bitchy rant, I'll just talk about my day today....
In my AWESOME English class today, my teacher gave us a sheet of thesis statements her graduate school classmates had written and her paper was on food companies using religion to sell their food. Interesting. I absolutely love my English class, my teacher is a trip and all the people in my class are interesting and always have brilliant things to say. And now I can't wait until every Tuesday and Thursday when I get to go in and talk about whatever I want and write about whatever I want. I love this teacher because she not only believes in free speech, but she expects it. And no one holds back their "fucks" and "shits". Its wonderful.
Psych is interesting too, although there isn't any homework and all the teacher does the entire class is lecture, its an interesting subject and I'm eager to learn more about it. Just one more new class to go through, Musical Theater, on Saturday, and I'm hoping that one is as fun as my other classes.
I need to address two topics right now. I'll make the first one short and sweet. I am sick. Don't let me breathe on you, this is like the fucking plague. Ian gave it to me and now I'm in so much pain just from COUGHING too hard that its difficult enough just sitting here typing. I hate being sick, especially when this is my first week of school and my first night at work is tomorrow and I'm afraid I won't make it through. But I will prevail. Yes, yes I will.
Next Topic!!
Why the fuck does everyone think I'm a child who's lived with my parents my whole life? Ok, so I spent 16 years in my mother's house, but when I turned 17, my mom kicked me out and I paid my own GOD DAMN bills. I was fucking responsible as hell. I worked between 30-45 hours a week and paid my bills and my rent and I never missed a payment once. I am not a child. I realize the responsibility of living on my own and with a roommate, so everyone just stop trying to make me feel like less of a person because I went crazy and had to live with my dad for a year. Sure, I'm a little hard headed, but I am anything but undependable. So fuck you if you think otherwise. I don't want to be treated like a baby anymore. Its difficult enough to be in the position I am in at the moment, living in someone elses apartment, always feeling like a fucking burden. Its a horrid feeling and all I want to do is get a place where I can say "Hey, I'm paying for this and I'm proud of myself." So just stop it. Especially stop doing it behind my back. Just fucking tell me. Jesus, I thought we were all adults.
Anyway, thats my rant for the day. I think perhaps I'll go to bed...or play some Smash. I'm all alone right now and it will be nice to play it without worrying about being made fun of for not being very good.
But before the bitchy rant, I'll just talk about my day today....
In my AWESOME English class today, my teacher gave us a sheet of thesis statements her graduate school classmates had written and her paper was on food companies using religion to sell their food. Interesting. I absolutely love my English class, my teacher is a trip and all the people in my class are interesting and always have brilliant things to say. And now I can't wait until every Tuesday and Thursday when I get to go in and talk about whatever I want and write about whatever I want. I love this teacher because she not only believes in free speech, but she expects it. And no one holds back their "fucks" and "shits". Its wonderful.
Psych is interesting too, although there isn't any homework and all the teacher does the entire class is lecture, its an interesting subject and I'm eager to learn more about it. Just one more new class to go through, Musical Theater, on Saturday, and I'm hoping that one is as fun as my other classes.
I need to address two topics right now. I'll make the first one short and sweet. I am sick. Don't let me breathe on you, this is like the fucking plague. Ian gave it to me and now I'm in so much pain just from COUGHING too hard that its difficult enough just sitting here typing. I hate being sick, especially when this is my first week of school and my first night at work is tomorrow and I'm afraid I won't make it through. But I will prevail. Yes, yes I will.
Next Topic!!
Why the fuck does everyone think I'm a child who's lived with my parents my whole life? Ok, so I spent 16 years in my mother's house, but when I turned 17, my mom kicked me out and I paid my own GOD DAMN bills. I was fucking responsible as hell. I worked between 30-45 hours a week and paid my bills and my rent and I never missed a payment once. I am not a child. I realize the responsibility of living on my own and with a roommate, so everyone just stop trying to make me feel like less of a person because I went crazy and had to live with my dad for a year. Sure, I'm a little hard headed, but I am anything but undependable. So fuck you if you think otherwise. I don't want to be treated like a baby anymore. Its difficult enough to be in the position I am in at the moment, living in someone elses apartment, always feeling like a fucking burden. Its a horrid feeling and all I want to do is get a place where I can say "Hey, I'm paying for this and I'm proud of myself." So just stop it. Especially stop doing it behind my back. Just fucking tell me. Jesus, I thought we were all adults.
Anyway, thats my rant for the day. I think perhaps I'll go to bed...or play some Smash. I'm all alone right now and it will be nice to play it without worrying about being made fun of for not being very good.
Also, do you want me to drive north and woop the shit out of some motherfuckers? I am going to iraq, its not like im going to be easy to find me and arrest me after all of this.
Good luck with work, I am sure you will prevail marvelously... because you got to! -Red.
[Edited on Sep 03, 2005 6:22AM]
maybe not killed... maybe maimed... need them maimed?
Take care, let me know how work ends up...