A lil update for y'alls....
How y'all doin? Did everyone have a fabulous New Year? I hope so. I know I did, until my boyfriend informed me that I was being evicted from my apartment. Yes, in about 21 days, lil Jessy will be homeless. I don't know what to do!!! There wasn't even a reason given either!! My boyfriend's cousin is like THE guy of the apartment because all the bills are in his name, so when he says I gotta go, it means I gotta go. I just can't believe he would kick out his own cousin's girlfriend and not even care if she has a place to go or not.
What an asshole.
Anyway, on a lighter note, Happy Wintereenmas everyone! If you don't know what it is, let me make a long story short and tell you that it means this month is like a video game holiday. ALL MONTH LONG. So play video games til your thumbs are sore!!! Its Wintereenmas!
How y'all doin? Did everyone have a fabulous New Year? I hope so. I know I did, until my boyfriend informed me that I was being evicted from my apartment. Yes, in about 21 days, lil Jessy will be homeless. I don't know what to do!!! There wasn't even a reason given either!! My boyfriend's cousin is like THE guy of the apartment because all the bills are in his name, so when he says I gotta go, it means I gotta go. I just can't believe he would kick out his own cousin's girlfriend and not even care if she has a place to go or not.

Anyway, on a lighter note, Happy Wintereenmas everyone! If you don't know what it is, let me make a long story short and tell you that it means this month is like a video game holiday. ALL MONTH LONG. So play video games til your thumbs are sore!!! Its Wintereenmas!

ill grab the boobies... umm controler :p