Well, I did the unthinkable (for me at least) I've alwasy hated blonde hair, with the exception of those it looks good on. But I decided to dye my hair blonde so I could put colors liek Mystic Heather, and Neon Green in it and actually have them show up. I've tried 3 times now, and well, it didn't exctly show up right--I hate yellow/gold blonde, but love ash blonde--that's what I've dyed it 3 times now is ash blone, and now, I have golden oroots, and red/goldish for the rest. It's kinda neat though, because it goes down on shades unintentionally--in a few dys I'm going to put black on the underside and maybe a few streaks, and then about a few weeks after that, I'll get purple or soemthing.
But me, a blonde--it's kinda weird to look at, adn I alwasy swore I would never do that--I'm gonna stop here though, bc I'm close enough to being blonde, and I wish to not damage my hair any further.
On Another NOte, I've had kitty now for abotu 3 weeks--a friend of mine gave him to me as a kitten who had gone through a tramatic experience of tiny children trying to kill him. He's shiney grey, adn I think he's bi-polar. He acts liek he has Vietnam Flashbacks, and it's kinda cute & funny. I actually have him on a kitty leash, necasue if I don't, he knocks over our expensive Guitars, and gets nito our wires, adn we can't get him out. It's around his chest & neck so it doesn't hurt him, and I'll take if off on occasion to let him roam under supervision. I take hi mto work with me too, adn he sleeps with me--He's so cute, and just in time for Halloween. I named him Spooky ^_^
I love this time of year--It's the only time I go festive liek & buy holiday things liek underwear & stuff. I love halloween goodies, makes me feel liek a kid in a candy store being round halloween festives. I seem to make it a tradition to buy 2 new pairs of halloween underware from Walmart. They also have stripped tights for $3, and i bought a black rose for $1 there. I also got a pair of socks from Rite Aide with spider webs on them, and i'm gonna get the pillow this week, and then the pumpkin light. I might actualyl be having Hlloween party, so that should be kinda kewl. Still don't know what I'm gonna be myself--I was thinking American McGee's Alice, or a PIrate
or seomthign with black wings since i've never done that, adn I'd liek an excuse to get them.
Well, I think I'm going to go play Unreal Tournment 2004, or Auto Assualt.
But me, a blonde--it's kinda weird to look at, adn I alwasy swore I would never do that--I'm gonna stop here though, bc I'm close enough to being blonde, and I wish to not damage my hair any further.
On Another NOte, I've had kitty now for abotu 3 weeks--a friend of mine gave him to me as a kitten who had gone through a tramatic experience of tiny children trying to kill him. He's shiney grey, adn I think he's bi-polar. He acts liek he has Vietnam Flashbacks, and it's kinda cute & funny. I actually have him on a kitty leash, necasue if I don't, he knocks over our expensive Guitars, and gets nito our wires, adn we can't get him out. It's around his chest & neck so it doesn't hurt him, and I'll take if off on occasion to let him roam under supervision. I take hi mto work with me too, adn he sleeps with me--He's so cute, and just in time for Halloween. I named him Spooky ^_^

I love this time of year--It's the only time I go festive liek & buy holiday things liek underwear & stuff. I love halloween goodies, makes me feel liek a kid in a candy store being round halloween festives. I seem to make it a tradition to buy 2 new pairs of halloween underware from Walmart. They also have stripped tights for $3, and i bought a black rose for $1 there. I also got a pair of socks from Rite Aide with spider webs on them, and i'm gonna get the pillow this week, and then the pumpkin light. I might actualyl be having Hlloween party, so that should be kinda kewl. Still don't know what I'm gonna be myself--I was thinking American McGee's Alice, or a PIrate

Well, I think I'm going to go play Unreal Tournment 2004, or Auto Assualt.