wow, i think i know the meaning of physical labor & have a new found apathy & hate for bugs. I work at a Land Surveying office yes, but i work in the office drawing plats on the computer, but today, i went out in the field. INdeed i went out with steve, and only steve, but still. There's just soem jobs people shouldn't have to do. We had to cut down brush that was so fucking thick, we never finished the job, even after 8 hours. i'm completly cut up, fucking bryer bushes. There were these cute little orange spiders that seemed completly attracted to my boobs though.
They didn't bother me, but they only ever landed on my boobs. It was all the other fucking bugs tht were worse. The worse injury i got today was when, while walking back & carryint the elevation pole, my foot went down into a rotted tree, and got stuck, so i ended up with a huge bruise/we;t on my leg. wow, i'm so fucking interesting aren't i? well, i'm tired, so i think i'll look at seom new sets, then lay down.