ok friends of SG, I finally got off my ass and did some graphic designing for threadless, and I actually submitted something. I'm super excited about it, and would LOVE if you guys could help me out to get this shit printed, and get 2grand in my pocket-would seriously help EVERYTHING out a bunch.
Please, the few of you that are my friends, help a sister out

If this goes over well, I may submit even more. help me reach one of my dreams to have my artwork on shirts!
Please, the few of you that are my friends, help a sister out

If this goes over well, I may submit even more. help me reach one of my dreams to have my artwork on shirts!
dont get discouragedand dont take it personal if people say they dont like your work there they can be pretty rough. Also get involved with teh community as well they are super helpful and over all really nice people. they might razz you at first but they mean well.
if you want to look me up on there my user name is wullagaru (two L's in that one )