As for updates...
Dyed my hair green, added a new tat or 2, went to my first rave (engagement party) friends got married on 4/20, their anniversary, missed my opportunity to fuck my jailbair friend before she turned 18 on 4/20 ( I set this goal years ago, yes I'm horrible. did matching kanji on two friend's calves, finished up Ray's Tattoo (doing another soon) Pierced my first set of nipples :} on teh sexy sara, and in the next year, I'm gonna be a mommy more than likely.
Sara's nips came out amazing. Much better than the "pro" that did mine. fuck, I even lined them up with a card to make sure they were even. my piercer didn't do that, and my piercings cost $60 fucking dollars (yes, it's redundant)
As far as the mommy stuff, well, I'm very excited. May have already conceived, but won't know that till, well, I'll be off here before I know that

At least we're both planning this. We're one of the few younger couples who didn't get married for the wrong reasons, we just loved each other. We didn't have a kid to begin with, we've decided after much discussion to extend our family. We're more serious than most "couples" around here...especially our age. I guess that's why they say "true love is hard to find" but you know what, it's amazing when you do find it, and it changes EVERYTHING.
So, if this ends up being my last blog on here, Thank you so much for those who encouraged, supported, and enjoyed my time here. I hope it wasn't just the nudy pics though but I'm sure they helped. I've meet some fantastic people on here, and those of you who know who you are, send me a message on here, or my myspace page Myspace Art Page
You few have been rather awesome, and have made me smile on more than 1 occasion, and I thank you for that.
and to the rest of you, choke on an acre of dicks. I know, I know what you're thinking 'but Acres aren't measured in Dicks" but I won't be able to hear you, because of all the dicks.