Well, here's the weekend update (god I sound like a news broadcaster or something)
So, things that happened this week:
Went through ALL of my clothes, and actually picked 60+ items to sell/get rid of (which I've never done, as I love my clothes...I'm actually gonna sell shit I still love...my mom already got my southpark goth kids shirt
And that same night, had some girly time with Kendra and Jazzy, who needed an outfit for a concert they were going to in NYC (and I have just about everything a goth kid could hope for, and then some, so my closet is like a theater closet) and lent out some things.
As mentioned in previous blogs, my tits are now a DD, so that was also a reason to get rid of some things...also, I've gained weight (not sure how much) sue to my uncontrollable eating when I have the munchies
I can't fit into most of my pants
so I'll be "dieting" till I can again.
On the diet topic, I found these slimfast candy bars that "control hunger" that are just fucking amazing taste wise (and they work too) I have the snickers kind, and really, they just taste like a peanut chew with nougat, AND, they don't hurt my teeth
I only have one left, and I'll be eating that today 
Back to the cleaning day, after wards, I decided that i was gonna try and exercise a little bit, as I'm fat now, but my sciatic issue was already acting up from the cleaning. So a single push up caused about a lvl 10 pain, so I switched to crunches with no problem (I was also walking around with a ain at this point in the night) when I was done, I merely tried to roll over to grab the cain so I could stand up, and holy jumping jesus on a pogo stick, lvl 10+ pain again, only this time, it wasn't going away. After a few uncontrollable screams, Eric quickly came into the living room, where I was still lying on the floor, occasionally screaming. He tried to help me up, which didn't feel nice, and after a few failed attempts, he picked me up, and carried me to the bedroom (which hurt his back a bit >_>
I was only able to lay on my left side, legs ontop one another, and I was on the wrong end of the bed...if I moved a muscle a little ibit, it was lvl 10 pain again. when I didn't move, it was a constant lvl 5. Any time I moved, I'd scream fuck, and start crying (which has never really happened to me from pain before)
So, we made some arrangements so I could get high, so I could successfully fall asleep (but not before having to rotate to the proper side of the bed >_>
I got pretty high, and the pain was numbed. I was still aware of it, but hey, I was high. And I eventually fell asleep...sadly, as I was coming down though. The next morning I felt better, but still had to walk with a limp, but hey, I could at least walk. Today, it's not realyl bothering me at all...I just hope it doesn't do that shit again, because fuck that.
Onto a happier subject
Friday was the 6month mark of our wedding (been together longer than that, a year longer than that) so we decided to have a nice dinner. We got Alaska crab legs (Eric had never made crab before, but he can cook anything, really) Sirloin steak (both from the butcher's block rather than Foodlion) and Sweet cor on the cob. Also, Apple Smirnoff for me, and Crown royal + Cherry Coke for him. My mom also made us a little apple cake
All of it was fucking awesome. Eric really should go to culinary arts school, not that he needs the training
Then we got high, and watched Cloverfield, which was kinda scary in theaters, but never had the same effect at home, until I got high ^_^
Oh yeah, we also bought this latex bondage tape about a week ago, which I'd highly recommend if you like to be bound--it only sticks to itself , and is reusable, and works very well. Thursday night, was fun as far as sex went--I actually got off during intercourse rather than alternatives (it's difficult for me a lot of the time, but hey, it makes it more fun when I do
Well, I think that's enough boring shit for one day. My back's starting to hurt from sitting here anyway, as I'm not properly sitting in my chair like a dumbass.
oh yeah, mom's getting married July 25th, fucking hooray...I told her I'll ber there (as her maid of honor) for her, but not to celebrate her marrying that douche.
So, things that happened this week:
Went through ALL of my clothes, and actually picked 60+ items to sell/get rid of (which I've never done, as I love my clothes...I'm actually gonna sell shit I still love...my mom already got my southpark goth kids shirt

And that same night, had some girly time with Kendra and Jazzy, who needed an outfit for a concert they were going to in NYC (and I have just about everything a goth kid could hope for, and then some, so my closet is like a theater closet) and lent out some things.
As mentioned in previous blogs, my tits are now a DD, so that was also a reason to get rid of some things...also, I've gained weight (not sure how much) sue to my uncontrollable eating when I have the munchies

On the diet topic, I found these slimfast candy bars that "control hunger" that are just fucking amazing taste wise (and they work too) I have the snickers kind, and really, they just taste like a peanut chew with nougat, AND, they don't hurt my teeth

Back to the cleaning day, after wards, I decided that i was gonna try and exercise a little bit, as I'm fat now, but my sciatic issue was already acting up from the cleaning. So a single push up caused about a lvl 10 pain, so I switched to crunches with no problem (I was also walking around with a ain at this point in the night) when I was done, I merely tried to roll over to grab the cain so I could stand up, and holy jumping jesus on a pogo stick, lvl 10+ pain again, only this time, it wasn't going away. After a few uncontrollable screams, Eric quickly came into the living room, where I was still lying on the floor, occasionally screaming. He tried to help me up, which didn't feel nice, and after a few failed attempts, he picked me up, and carried me to the bedroom (which hurt his back a bit >_>

So, we made some arrangements so I could get high, so I could successfully fall asleep (but not before having to rotate to the proper side of the bed >_>

Onto a happier subject

Friday was the 6month mark of our wedding (been together longer than that, a year longer than that) so we decided to have a nice dinner. We got Alaska crab legs (Eric had never made crab before, but he can cook anything, really) Sirloin steak (both from the butcher's block rather than Foodlion) and Sweet cor on the cob. Also, Apple Smirnoff for me, and Crown royal + Cherry Coke for him. My mom also made us a little apple cake

All of it was fucking awesome. Eric really should go to culinary arts school, not that he needs the training

Oh yeah, we also bought this latex bondage tape about a week ago, which I'd highly recommend if you like to be bound--it only sticks to itself , and is reusable, and works very well. Thursday night, was fun as far as sex went--I actually got off during intercourse rather than alternatives (it's difficult for me a lot of the time, but hey, it makes it more fun when I do

Well, I think that's enough boring shit for one day. My back's starting to hurt from sitting here anyway, as I'm not properly sitting in my chair like a dumbass.
oh yeah, mom's getting married July 25th, fucking hooray...I told her I'll ber there (as her maid of honor) for her, but not to celebrate her marrying that douche.
You look familiar. You didn't happen to spend some time in Oklahoma did you?