So, of course I can't submit a damn set without there being some kind of issue...It was accepted for member review, however, they had it split between 2 albums in completely random jumbled order. . And honestly, it wasn't on my end, there was no way it could have been. So, they deleted it for me, so we had to re-upload the damn set again...and it's pending, yet again. I wonder if it'll take another 2 weeks to get reapproved...
I'm not trying to be pissy, but seriously, last time they made a second profile for me, this time, 2 albums were made...if something incredibly stupid happens next time, it'll probably be my last time till they fix this damn system of theirs that's falling apart.
The set WAS qued for May 17th, but who the fuck knows when it's going to go up now...
on a slightly better note, I got to hang out with Nick and jeff yesterday. I introduced them to Wario Ware on the Wii, and they loved it. I miss those guys. They're here for their spring break. Also, I'm still playing Oblivion a lot, so sorry to those who've been asking me to game with them, it's rather addicting. however, I started back up with Left 4 dead, just not as often. I also have a headset (it's Keith's actually) but now I can yell at stupid people if I need to :} I may also be playing some Resident Evil 5, as I've been watching Eric play it, and it looks fun as hell. Anyone who's played the demo, don't judge it off of that, from everyone who's played both, the demo is awful, the game = awesome.
...Spooky masturbated on my bed again today, in front of me, so I took his picture, then poked his belly, which ruined his happy timez. He got over it quickly though. only I'M allowed to masturbate on my bed damn it, or Eric of course. No need for spooky spooge.
I'm not trying to be pissy, but seriously, last time they made a second profile for me, this time, 2 albums were made...if something incredibly stupid happens next time, it'll probably be my last time till they fix this damn system of theirs that's falling apart.
The set WAS qued for May 17th, but who the fuck knows when it's going to go up now...
on a slightly better note, I got to hang out with Nick and jeff yesterday. I introduced them to Wario Ware on the Wii, and they loved it. I miss those guys. They're here for their spring break. Also, I'm still playing Oblivion a lot, so sorry to those who've been asking me to game with them, it's rather addicting. however, I started back up with Left 4 dead, just not as often. I also have a headset (it's Keith's actually) but now I can yell at stupid people if I need to :} I may also be playing some Resident Evil 5, as I've been watching Eric play it, and it looks fun as hell. Anyone who's played the demo, don't judge it off of that, from everyone who's played both, the demo is awful, the game = awesome.
...Spooky masturbated on my bed again today, in front of me, so I took his picture, then poked his belly, which ruined his happy timez. He got over it quickly though. only I'M allowed to masturbate on my bed damn it, or Eric of course. No need for spooky spooge.