Hmm, so, today was a good day. Last night we got really fucking stoned, so I slept gooood. I woke up earlier than usual, so I got to playing Oblivion earlier than usual :}
Eric cooked an all itilian diner for the two of us that was AWESOME, and we decided that we wanted to drink tonight and watch movies. Keith and Tacy won't be here this weekend on account of Keith going to her place for the weekend for once ^_^ but alas, I'm on the rag, so no happy fun timez for me
NO stormin' the blood fortress. HOwever, this gives us the weekend to be naked at least ^_^ or close to it. But anyway...
I'm off to go drink my mudslide (already had a shot of peach brandy mmmmmm, warmed my tummy)
OH YEAH, for the first time EVAR, eric trusted me enough to let me drive (I has no license, for I am scared) so I drove home ^_^ and didn't do too bad.
Anyway, off to get my drink on a heckle movies that I own.
Eric cooked an all itilian diner for the two of us that was AWESOME, and we decided that we wanted to drink tonight and watch movies. Keith and Tacy won't be here this weekend on account of Keith going to her place for the weekend for once ^_^ but alas, I'm on the rag, so no happy fun timez for me

I'm off to go drink my mudslide (already had a shot of peach brandy mmmmmm, warmed my tummy)
OH YEAH, for the first time EVAR, eric trusted me enough to let me drive (I has no license, for I am scared) so I drove home ^_^ and didn't do too bad.
Anyway, off to get my drink on a heckle movies that I own.
Ah, the old Scarlett Thunder is just around the corner for me, damn. Have an awesome weekend!!
I had some drinks last night and played much WoW AND smoked
the week tends to wear me out pretty bad by Friday so I was in bed by midnight I think. Hope you have fun, and that the red times pass quickly