I fucking love my husband
If you've ever read my profile, you'll know that I collect some of the Emily the Strange Plush kitty dolls. Well, They just came out with a new set (one of the dolls is a remake of an older model) I only really liked 2 of them, so my hubby went ahead and ordered them for me, since there are only 2000 made of each world wide
Here they are

Fiddy Seven 4D

Also, today Eric decided that it was going to be "my day" We didn't go to sleep till about 7 am--we just laid there, cuddled, and for once in my life, as lame as it sounds, I shed tears of happiness for what my life has turned into; for what I've turned into as a person.
This morning(really afternoon) I woke up to cuddles, body massage, and while I was sleeping, Eric decided to clean the bathroom
but not before doubling up the blanket over me since I was cold. I didn't actually get up get up till about 2pm. He then massaged my back, legs, arms, some more, and said how today we'd do whatever I wanted, and that he was going to cook dinner, etc. We took a shower, since he smelled of Lysol
and after that, we took back the 5 movies we rented a few days ago (all of which were really good) and, instead of going to see The Unborn, I decided that a night in would be better. So, we got some additions to the dinner, blueberry muffins, and some Smirnoff (grape and green apple) and then picked out 3 new movies. I was in a horror movie mood, but the ones I realyl wanted to see weren't there
so, instead, i found "Tokyo Gore Police". I haven't laughed that hard from a movie in a long fucking time.

Here they are

Fiddy Seven 4D

Also, today Eric decided that it was going to be "my day" We didn't go to sleep till about 7 am--we just laid there, cuddled, and for once in my life, as lame as it sounds, I shed tears of happiness for what my life has turned into; for what I've turned into as a person.
This morning(really afternoon) I woke up to cuddles, body massage, and while I was sleeping, Eric decided to clean the bathroom

We also got the Resident evil egeneration, which was, ok, but we didn't really pay attention to the last part
I also picked up midnight Movie, which we have yet to watch. Well, off to go watch my last movie of the evening ^_^ today was a good day
Thanks for the comments on my hair btw...the upkeep is sort of a bitch though
PS those dolls kick ass, i sort of want one now