Well, A few things have happened recently. One is that I'm on the off's with an old friend (this is a usual thing, half the time we hate each other, half the time we "like" each other) And really, I'm sick of that back and forth. I haven't really liked her in years, more like I was just keeping things civil. She's literally a compulsive liar, and is completely unaware of this >_> it's really frustrating. It started because she was ranting about why she doesn't celebrate thanksgiving, etc blah blah blah. I pointed out that she was wrong (history wise) and was a hypocrite, etc. She turns it into a personal attack on me, which made no sense, yet, wasn't surprising. I'll end up posting all the shit later...I have yet to send her my reply, because really, I've had better things to do, and for once, I'm waiting to send her a retort until I have literally run out of things to do, because the last things she said to me made me so fucking angry, I wouldn't be able to be in a good mood for the rest of the day.
Aside from that ^_^ I had a wonderful 4 day weekend with my husband. Got to hang out with my friends that moved away on Friday (Nick and Jeff, long going middle school and grade school buddies) I love those guys ^_^ I actually got high for the first time in probably 2 months with them, and realized that it kicks my ass now. I remember when passing a glass bowl around didn't do shit to me. I also drank the majority of my vodka I had left. I slept for a long time that night
I also dyed Amanda's hair earlier in the day, but it didn't take too well. She ended up with pink roots with black hair (was all suppose to be pink) but it still turned out neat. Was also on /b/ for about 2 1/2 hours in a single thread where pics were posted, and didn't get a single insult O_O wtf has happened to /b/? I thought it was funny, and the thread was, in fact, amusing.
On that note, I think I've actually lost some weight--ever since I started the birth control, I've looked a lot better, and can fit into some of my old clothes...hmmm...I thought birth control was suppose to make a chick fatter? I mean, I'm not complaining, but it baffles me.
My 21st is coming up this Sunday...and I won't be able to go out drinking, as 21st typical tradition...because it's on a Sunday, and I can't get my new ID till Monday...because in WV, you HAVE to have the proper ID, regardless of what the birthday is...it's fucking stupid...but really, I don't care much. To me, it's a celebration of 10 years of drinking for me XD and I don't drink much anyway, never really have. Last year, I got my first tattoo for my birthday. I have a small tattoo Idea that I could have done...but I don't think I'll be getting it yet...I want to get our wedding tats first, which will cost more money than we'll have. I have no idea what I want to do for my birthday...most of my friends have moved away, and wouldn't be able to visit...
last year, Jesse had a "party" for me (his house is always a party, people always coming in and out at all hours of the night, 7 days a week. And I only really knew Jesse last year. The others were acquaintances, but I don't really know them well. I would LOVE to trip the day before my birthday, but I don't see that happening...because when anyone can find something, they never call me
So my last birthday to really look forward to...and I have nothing special planned...I miss my old birthday parties, and I miss my friends...however, last year's actual birthday was enough for me. I just wish there could be a party with all of us together again.
Only Amanda and I are really left in Berkeley...this shit hole of a town. it's great for Artists...sometimes...but it's also a dead end...it's home though, but soon, my mom's douche bag of a boyfriend will be out (within the next 2 months) and then I won't even have her. It'll be how it was with my dad...not bothering to go around her, because I wouldn't be able to enjoy it...only, she won't be as reserved as she was with my dad--I won't have to pull her away from his suffocating grip. I'll just have to pull her away from an aryan, rapist, douche bag...whom I hate. He'll be living with her, in the basement at my grandparents (our old house is unlivable) I won't even bother going over there once he's there. I enjoy hanging out at Nanny and Poppy's, and he'll just ruin it, because he's so fucking insufferable, and all around stupid.
Ugh...so I'll be 21 soon...and I'm not really looking forward to it...
Aside from that ^_^ I had a wonderful 4 day weekend with my husband. Got to hang out with my friends that moved away on Friday (Nick and Jeff, long going middle school and grade school buddies) I love those guys ^_^ I actually got high for the first time in probably 2 months with them, and realized that it kicks my ass now. I remember when passing a glass bowl around didn't do shit to me. I also drank the majority of my vodka I had left. I slept for a long time that night
On that note, I think I've actually lost some weight--ever since I started the birth control, I've looked a lot better, and can fit into some of my old clothes...hmmm...I thought birth control was suppose to make a chick fatter? I mean, I'm not complaining, but it baffles me.
My 21st is coming up this Sunday...and I won't be able to go out drinking, as 21st typical tradition...because it's on a Sunday, and I can't get my new ID till Monday...because in WV, you HAVE to have the proper ID, regardless of what the birthday is...it's fucking stupid...but really, I don't care much. To me, it's a celebration of 10 years of drinking for me XD and I don't drink much anyway, never really have. Last year, I got my first tattoo for my birthday. I have a small tattoo Idea that I could have done...but I don't think I'll be getting it yet...I want to get our wedding tats first, which will cost more money than we'll have. I have no idea what I want to do for my birthday...most of my friends have moved away, and wouldn't be able to visit...
last year, Jesse had a "party" for me (his house is always a party, people always coming in and out at all hours of the night, 7 days a week. And I only really knew Jesse last year. The others were acquaintances, but I don't really know them well. I would LOVE to trip the day before my birthday, but I don't see that happening...because when anyone can find something, they never call me
Only Amanda and I are really left in Berkeley...this shit hole of a town. it's great for Artists...sometimes...but it's also a dead end...it's home though, but soon, my mom's douche bag of a boyfriend will be out (within the next 2 months) and then I won't even have her. It'll be how it was with my dad...not bothering to go around her, because I wouldn't be able to enjoy it...only, she won't be as reserved as she was with my dad--I won't have to pull her away from his suffocating grip. I'll just have to pull her away from an aryan, rapist, douche bag...whom I hate. He'll be living with her, in the basement at my grandparents (our old house is unlivable) I won't even bother going over there once he's there. I enjoy hanging out at Nanny and Poppy's, and he'll just ruin it, because he's so fucking insufferable, and all around stupid.
Ugh...so I'll be 21 soon...and I'm not really looking forward to it...