...that was an interesting experience. a calm and sunny march day, i made my way to sean's house to meet the great missy and shoot my first set. i was pretty nervous until i stepped through the open window into the house and up the stairs to SGHQ...it felt so right. and missy is just so cute, i'm so glad i got the opportunity to work with her for my first time around. thanx lady! reagan was still living/working there, and she ran through the kitchen right after i disrobed...not so bad, eh? i felt like a real suicidegirl, and am so glad that today is my official entrance into sghood. i feel so PROUD! and thank you everyone for being so kind with your comments. it makes me all gushy and stuff. i love you all!
my family is coming down
and since i never ever see them i feel live ive gotta spend time with them
trust me on this, id rather kick it with hot ladies in vegas
but family duties call
so sad
i will meet you one day , im sure