from my own head:
-a seance (ouija board, pentagrams, candles, viles, potions, similar to the movie the craft, but with nakedness)
-train tunnel (there is this fucking cool ass train tunnel in the chatsworth mountains, near where the manson family used to reside, and me and my friends used to go there during high school and walk through it...perfect place to take your clothes off!)
-songwriting (i have a recording studio in my house, how could i not do a set in there?)
-cinnabons (sticky, hot cinnabons and naked girl, DUH!)
-in line for a concert (this is more an idea for a two girl set, where one girl sees another in a concert line and is instantly drawn to her, which subsequently turns to them going backstage and getting acquainted...naked. ha!)
i feel like i'm in some suicide girls fantasy world. i know it's getting to my head quick, so i must slow down, but it's just too cool to be getting emails from missy on job and modeling options. it just feels so good.
time to go see tegan and sara!!!! so excited!
-a seance (ouija board, pentagrams, candles, viles, potions, similar to the movie the craft, but with nakedness)
-train tunnel (there is this fucking cool ass train tunnel in the chatsworth mountains, near where the manson family used to reside, and me and my friends used to go there during high school and walk through it...perfect place to take your clothes off!)
-songwriting (i have a recording studio in my house, how could i not do a set in there?)
-cinnabons (sticky, hot cinnabons and naked girl, DUH!)
-in line for a concert (this is more an idea for a two girl set, where one girl sees another in a concert line and is instantly drawn to her, which subsequently turns to them going backstage and getting acquainted...naked. ha!)
i feel like i'm in some suicide girls fantasy world. i know it's getting to my head quick, so i must slow down, but it's just too cool to be getting emails from missy on job and modeling options. it just feels so good.
time to go see tegan and sara!!!! so excited!

anywho, gimme a call after your meetings and we'll chat for sure.
take care and have a good weeekend!