since i have moved into my new apartment i have had 2 situations involving men running around with shotguns waving them in the air, this includes the recent police standoff where 11 police cruisers held some people at gunpoint and i had to show my i.d. to leave my apartment to go to work. 1 incident of listening to a guy beat the shit out of, hoe, wife?? whatever in the parking lot. 1 guns drawn on lady outside complex while she backed to the cops with her hands up and 1 drug dealer asking me if i "needed anything, anything AT ALL" .................I have told my roomie bout this and shes not so impressed so now i have to tell her i'm breaking the lease and if she wants to stay her impending rape and murder is on her.
we have only lived her since may. seems like a lot of bad shit in a small amount of time to me.
also, i dont really care if people think i'm overreacting, I AM SCARED TO LIVE HERE.
so....i am moving to oaklawn where all the lovely gays are and chillin abba style til i move to chicago.
the end.
since i have moved into my new apartment i have had 2 situations involving men running around with shotguns waving them in the air, this includes the recent police standoff where 11 police cruisers held some people at gunpoint and i had to show my i.d. to leave my apartment to go to work. 1 incident of listening to a guy beat the shit out of, hoe, wife?? whatever in the parking lot. 1 guns drawn on lady outside complex while she backed to the cops with her hands up and 1 drug dealer asking me if i "needed anything, anything AT ALL" .................I have told my roomie bout this and shes not so impressed so now i have to tell her i'm breaking the lease and if she wants to stay her impending rape and murder is on her.
we have only lived her since may. seems like a lot of bad shit in a small amount of time to me.
also, i dont really care if people think i'm overreacting, I AM SCARED TO LIVE HERE.
so....i am moving to oaklawn where all the lovely gays are and chillin abba style til i move to chicago.
the end.
Get away, you aren't overreacting. Hurry up and get up here!!!
oak cliff?