Been mostly just hangin out with the yankee and eaten food I shouldn't. Its yum.
I have an interview for a job and for an apartment this week and hope it works out! Now that I'm here and get to be around this boy and be in the place I wana live in aaand see my friend on wed I just can't stand the thought... Read More
I got my job transfer and am ready to go. I am sooooooo excited! I can't believe it!
I'm just gonna nom all kinds of food up and hang with the boy! I might passout.
So I'm gonna have to have surgery AGAIN. Geez. Puts my movin plans back a scootch but thats ok. I get to go up in March and see that cute yankee boy and look at apartments. So EEEEEEEEEEEEE! And it wont be sub arctic when i move. Hopefully anyways. So now I'm packin and downsizing in preparation.
so now I have this new job . well sortof new. new enough.
and weirdly it gives me money to pay all my bills including student loans and still save to move to Chicago.
now I just have to save the money and go! I'll get to hang out with the boy and my Chicago friend by February next year. my job will even transfer... Read More
so that boy came to visit and we had a blast! he is super cute and a lil goofy sometimes and has a serious problem with poking people in their tickle spots til they almost pee....
we ate tex-mex and he played scary games so i could watch zombies die and it was awesome good fun.
I get to go up there in Sept or... Read More
I am so frickin frackin excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are gonna go out to my fav taco spots and my 2 fav bars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and play video games and play allllllllllllll day!
and go to the movies and Ill get to call him a sissy cuz itll be retarded hot.
woot. woot.
thats when the boy is here. imna take him to eat mexican food and my fav places and to the movies and we will do it. thats the extent of my plans for my vacation.
im so excited im gonna vomit! i cant believe he gets to visit. fucking finally. and the job is working out pretty well so a transfer to... Read More
I got the approval for my transfer!!
I'm savin and I'm preppin!
AND! that damn boy is gonna come visit in the spring! fuck yes!
I AM GETTING LAID. and I'm not gonna let him go home. except maybe to visit his dog...but then he's gotta come back or self destruct.
other than that its work work work and workout workout workout.
I'm... Read More