disclaimer: stream of babble ahead
so I am writing in this today because i have found that not writing and carefully measuring my words as though they were grams of gold or something is a) fucking stupid and b) not doing anything particularly productive for me anyway. why would i stop them from flowing out, they are not a finite resource to be guarded, it's like that song about the magic penny from infant school, "hold it tight and you won't have any.. give them out and you'll have so many they'll roll all over the floor." And writing is how I break down walls and it's how I do/am going to do pretty much anything that's important to me so I should do more of it. at the moment I am thinking about pyramids a lot. What are the various things that they represent? To me I think they are a nice symbol of what i percieve as the tripartite nature of many/(all?) aspects of llife. I think the various facets of peoples personalities generally fall into 3 primary sections. Conscious, subconscious, psyche? dunno threw the last one in because it sounded right, haven't really put much thought or investigatiion into it yet really. maybe the psyche is the conscious and subconscious actually. dunno need to look into that one a bit. Anyhow this is another paralell with christianity that I have found within my own personal beliefs - the tripartite form of the holy trinity (god son and holy spirit) being a fundemental part of (some) christian beliefs; i am not a christian but rosie, who is a pink pretty flower who i used to live with and one of the best sunniest people i know, is and so i spent a year going to a christian discussion group at her church which was really interesting. (conclusion: christianity comes down to a leap of faith, willing suspension of disbelief - agreeing to accept certain truths just because - [guess that's what faith is anyway] - not something I can do now, maybe ever) There are two other paralells but one of them escapes me at the moment, however the first is the belief that we are living in a fallen world - that the world in it's present state is not as it is supposed to. (can't believe that a world this flawed, yes beautiful but so inherently corrupt was meant to be this way) a friend of mine argued that he believes saying there is a way the world " should" be is a very dangerous path to go down as it indicates some kind of divine plan - higher sentience etc, but that's maybe the reason why i think it's a path worth going down anyway. interestingly my feelings about christianity - interest, detatched but genuine appreciation for certain aspects but unable to truly accept the message as a whole doctrine - entirely reflect my feelings for the psy trance scene. I like and respect the ethos and have genuine admiration for people who can have cultivated a community in this modern world that is not based around selfish desire; i can appreciate the fact that the music is very complex and combines mathematics and structure with elements of eastern philosophies and also makes nice gleepy gloopy bwomp noises, I admire the complex and beautiful imagery that combines the natural with the cyber, .. actually it's starting to sound like maybe i do like it a lot - but anyway, can't throw myself properly into it. maybe it's time i take a chance and just start taking plunges. but i cant ever see one side of anything, there's always fucking 3 (also anyone who says hallucinogens are the only way to free your mind and achieve enlightenment is mistaken i reckon; they are not the only way, they aren't even the best way)set myself free of a lot of things, so they can fly off and do their own thing, they have no purpose to me any more. Now, just need to focus as much attention outwards as I do inwards. at least i know i can fall in love though. it's a trick and a half as well, being able to wear your heart on your sleeve and then it getting torn and bruised, to not hide it away locked up til its cold and dies because youre scared, but just keep it out there and still it beats hard, strong, steady. so this year I am going to write more in visible places (not scrounge these words for what use are they to me and me alone, they float around my head all day anyway) and learn more things, like: knitting, and cooking, one recipe a week, and maybe how to be a vegetarian, and certainly how to be less like an existance and more like a life. imho, meaning of life: create, understand, experience. hehe. 3 sides too. only just noticed that. how nice

happy two thousand and eight folks, time for a change maybe? lets make it a good year

Happy New Year. Hopefully we shall indeed make it a good year.
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