Gang of four was awesome. They played mostly old songs that i recognized. I'm glad we went the first night i heard the second night they played mostly new songs. I also got some apples and a free poster.
I'm looking forward to prom, it gives me an excuse to take the weekend off from work. I'm so bored of working every saturday and sunday. I still don't have a date but its not bothering me too much.
I want a new tattoo i have the idea and everything i probably shouldnt spend the money though. I have the best idea, it involveds blood and an elephant i'm not sure where i want to put it.
I'm looking forward to prom, it gives me an excuse to take the weekend off from work. I'm so bored of working every saturday and sunday. I still don't have a date but its not bothering me too much.
I want a new tattoo i have the idea and everything i probably shouldnt spend the money though. I have the best idea, it involveds blood and an elephant i'm not sure where i want to put it.
Ooo... when you get the new tattoo... you gotta post a pic! I don't think I've ever seen and elephant tattoo before! Like whoa!