Well birthday week is over. My mom came to visit me for the week of birthday which was cool cause the museums have all their free days during the first week of the month. We went to the asian art museum and the MoMa. There were huge lines at both of them and main exhibits had even more lines. I'm not used to being in crowed envirionments like that and they can really give me social anxiety and enduce unwanted unpleasant emotions sometimes. But it always surprised how cold people can get when theres tons of peoples around how oblivious everyone is to how hard large groups of people are for me but which all that put aside. I got to see the much anticipated Frida Kahlo exhibit and i had one of those little audio devices that tells you more about certain peices art so I learned alot more about her as a person and not just art. I like things like that i just wish there had been less people around i think i would have given a better opportunity to see everything in a relaxing matter. Its hard to find shoes i like that provide prolonged support with out looking like i'm wearing some big ol sports shoe. But on the night of birthday i got go one of favorite that i never get to go and maggie mudds a great place for fresh vegan ice cream i had the dairy free oatmeal cookie dough interesting but good. happy birthday to all you LEO's out there.

Hope you enjoyed yourself Sadie.
Take care and have a nice week.