i saw "HANCOCK" and "HELLBOY 2", I liked them both so I can't really decide which one was "better". I'm feeling alot of pressure from family and people around me to be happy and normal and just "enjoy life". But it's easier said than done in my case. I mean I feel like the only thing that I really enjoy and this may sound sad and pathetic and probably most of all lazy. But I really just enjoy watching tv and living vicariously through others fictional lives. I'm not very good around people I also fumble my words and end up saying the wrong things. I mean i've been alone so much through out my life that I don't really enjoy other people that just muck things and talk over my tv shows and dvds. I'm very unhappy with my physical apperance these days too I've gained alot weight because of my medication which makes me want to stop taking it. But its not so easy cause i've been taking it for so many years. I wish sometimes I could rewind and stop myself at that one point in my life a few years ago when everything took a turn for the worse. but I know that can't happen.
Sometimes vicariously is the only means to which we have left to express enjoy or experience, as timid a means as it may be.
Hellboy 2 was as expected, just plain fun
Ask about a medication that doesn't cause such a drastic weight gain as an alternative therapy perhaps? Or something to counter that effect. IDK myself, but if the change is so dramatic... there's probably a countermethod of some sort.
I am awful with words and people, I fumble both, and frequently, and they are easily exploited twisted or used against me.
I grew quite used to it, long ago.
And some tv is ok
Very little, but some
and see... not that lonely the internets people love ya !
"I'm not very good around people I also fumble my words"
that sounds like me!