i hate to be whiney but this is a supposed to be like a journal and i think its the best place to let frustrasions. Sometimes I feel like the only care about me are my social workers. I'm really emotional right now for no reason except that little bender i went on probably caused it. I think i'm turning into a bender drug user. i'm sorry this is going to get toooo sappy. i'm just going to say i feel very loney in this huge world and all i want is a friend. a real live friend like almost like marriage you'll look out for each other no matter what i've never found someone like that but i've always tried to be that person to people i like.
if you havent noticed i'm very emotionaly unstable and its been this way my whole life and as i get older it just keeps getting worse. I look into the future and see nothing i have no motivation. I dont know if i was born to be unhappy or society molded me this way cause i never had good friends if any at times growing. I mostly sat alone on the weekends while everyone was and i'd watch movies especially rocky horror picture show and would learn all the audience participation and dance in my moms old 70's platform 5 inch heals. well i hope everyoine else is feeling better that me.
it is raining maybe it was inevitable for me to unhappy today.
heres a picture of jack asking for autograph on a joker picture now this is the best expression ever

if you havent noticed i'm very emotionaly unstable and its been this way my whole life and as i get older it just keeps getting worse. I look into the future and see nothing i have no motivation. I dont know if i was born to be unhappy or society molded me this way cause i never had good friends if any at times growing. I mostly sat alone on the weekends while everyone was and i'd watch movies especially rocky horror picture show and would learn all the audience participation and dance in my moms old 70's platform 5 inch heals. well i hope everyoine else is feeling better that me.
it is raining maybe it was inevitable for me to unhappy today.

heres a picture of jack asking for autograph on a joker picture now this is the best expression ever
I'll be in your fan club.

Thank you sweety