So I didn't end up going up north.
What do you do when the person your'e falling in love with annoys the fucking hell out of you sometimes and they don't seem register anything you tell them not to do. ARRRRGGG i'm so confused and fucking cranky as hell lately.
I also fucking haite that eats all the fucking time. How do such minor things seem to turn me into satan.
what annoys the fuck out of you about your lover?
What do you do when the person your'e falling in love with annoys the fucking hell out of you sometimes and they don't seem register anything you tell them not to do. ARRRRGGG i'm so confused and fucking cranky as hell lately.
I also fucking haite that eats all the fucking time. How do such minor things seem to turn me into satan.
what annoys the fuck out of you about your lover?
Umm, her nonexistence.
and also remember that people don't really change..
i hate it when he leaves the seat up.. and slurping..
i HATE slurping..
good luck with your lover dear..