Well i dont have the internet right now. I just moved into my own studio apartment. i live alone no more annoying meathead room mates. I got my hello kitty shower curtain put up today. I'm struggling with money but its my own fault. I have a strong craving for thai food but i'm going to have to settle for something home made. Theres one problem i have too many clothes for my closet so i'm going to try to sell some tommorow. Not much else is going on i have alot of time on my hands and not much to do errr if you live in san francisco maybe you could take me out thai food, oh i'm only kidding. Life isnt so bad except i hurt my little wrist nothing seeems to make the pain go away and sometimes the pain keeps me up at night. still struggling with my stupid drug problem and still annnoyed that my set is probably never going to go up. why do i feel like i'm totally ignored in this big sea of girls. the library isnt to far from me so i'll probably be online more often now. hope all it well in everyone elses world.

Think you will be at Prom? It would be great to see you.
take care
love love love