Life sucks. I fell down a hill and my face is all busted up i need surgery. I have a broken nose and i fractured my cheek. The next day I ODed and ended up back in the hospital. My parents are going to help me fix my face. But they hate me and my boyfriend. I'm going to be homeless soon my parents hate me. My dad took my key away and im not allowed to be here unless hes home. So my like has gone from bad to worse in a matter of days. i didnt get to cook my tofurkey cause i was in the fucking hospital. i wish i would have died this weekend.
in your email you have a way of understating things.
fuck anchor man. it's yours. it should make you laugh. unless laughing makes your face hurt.
your dad doesn't hate you he is just doing the tuff love thing. your folks are still willing to help you out, just on their terms. you have to hit rock fuckin' bottom before you can get better hun.
i speak from experience. it doesn't seem that long ago that i was blacking out, drugged to the gills and busting my face open on tuffys floor.
things will get better i promise.
hang in there kiddo.