every year at halloween time i want to carve pumpkins but it never seems to happen. also i never seem to have that great of a costume i want something bloody this year.
i'm going to a party later yay! i missed therapy today cause i was too tired cause i went to this show in oakland last night. at least i got a ride home and didnt have to take bart hella late.i had a busy weekend i went to a costume party on saturday and i had to move during the day which wasnt that bad but it was stressing me out anyway.
anyway what are you for halloween?
i'm going to a party later yay! i missed therapy today cause i was too tired cause i went to this show in oakland last night. at least i got a ride home and didnt have to take bart hella late.i had a busy weekend i went to a costume party on saturday and i had to move during the day which wasnt that bad but it was stressing me out anyway.
anyway what are you for halloween?
got home from the gym
and is tired
or old
i miss roasting pumpkin seeds