i think i will be hard pressed to get more excited about a concert after seeing this. i only hope that i won't have to wait 13 years in between now and the next concert... no matter what incarnation trent reznor chooses to bring it back as.

and i managed to get my digital SLR in by lying to security and telling...
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where you been?
woo! vacationing friends! and no work after wednesday morning! and airsoft on sunday!

and now that i have only 1 class.... hopefully less stress. i seriously think i was dying. blackeyed or at least headed for the biggest mental breakdown i could have possibly had yet.

so yeah, i guess i'll be on hiatus for a few days. wee~!
I hope the stress was not too much... Sometimes after a long time of stress I do get sick once the stress is over as I simply did not have the time of realizing how spent I was while the stress did last! LOL!
Yo... So your still into Air Soft.... Good to hear... Cus I have a few friends who are trying to get into it... They have rifles and shit, but need peeps to shoot them.... Play With... and I am really concidering getting into it as well
so much hubub about the Superferry here. they knew it was coming for... how long now? and all the protesting hippy-types are just making a big stink about it now. its a damn CATAMARAN. they don't sit that low in the water, even for something of that size. besides, they seem to be fine with nuclear submarines and warships floating about. or maybe they just...
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trekkin' to the pittsburgh area again on monday.
this time, not in the dead of winter.

and then i get to start school when i come back home.
such a cutie!! >_<
ugh. ASHBASH was a total waste of energy. Didn't get anything good out of it. Just a massive sunburn. So now I'm an opposite raccoon. lame.

i don't want to go back to school on the 20th. i am just so very much over working toward something i know i'm never going to use. i should have gone to business school. at least i could...
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You got me curious. Would be fun watching you getting into the moves wink When practicing, what do you wear with the heelies?
So i decided to quit smoking.. been using those nicoderm patches to help with my inability to control myself... they're working well so far. 2 weeks and counting blush nothing really in the way of side affects, my skin gets a little itchy for a bit when i first put a new patch on, but no stomach aches or heart palpitations like the instructions said. i...
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Hey there, i cared what you wrote, congratulations on giving up the smoking! kiss
On first try I was nibbling nuts and leaveing a trail of shell everywhere I went.
haven't been doing much lately. working my ass off mainly. meh. i enjoy the large paychecks. biggrin

yesterday i went to the mall and got 2 new dvds... sarah silverman: jesus is magic, and the reanimator (some cheesy horror movie.)

ha! my cat farts everytime you pick her up. stupid defence mechanism...

aloha from kauai. im on oahu every other weekend now. maybe we meet one day