finally the last day of this horrid semester is over. i don't even want to look at my grades. i'm just gonna end up failing every class i took this semester.
funny how my GPA fluctuates semester to semester based on my feelings. coz i go thru phases of "yay! school's awesome! i wanna graduate soon." to "fuck this shitty place. professors suck. classes suck. and the food sucks. i don't care." this past semester started out well.. and just ended on a sour note for some reason. i think my shift from being an unemployed art bum to cream puff maker extraordinaire screwed things up. but i really like my job. its by far the easiest thing i've ever done (ok, maybe aside from when i worked for a photographer guy and all i did was scan his negatives and package stuff.)
i'm thinking about getting a second job... at least for the summer. i'm not too sure if i could pull off 2 jobs and school full time. i'd like to think i could be that motivated... but i'm really REALLY REALLY lazy.
we have more kittens again. they don't really like us coz they're basically wild. hopefully they'll get used to people. they're so cute i just wanna love them.
btw.. if anyone is like me.. you're probably excited for may 16th and the HALO3 beta. i'm such a nerd that i'm having a little shindig with some of my friends who didn't get the beta thingy and calling it my birthday party. hopefully the next day i'll be off of work coz i plan on getting wasted and probably passing out somewhere weird. we'll see if we get the cops called on us for being noisy again.
alright, time to loaf around the house! woo!
finally the last day of this horrid semester is over. i don't even want to look at my grades. i'm just gonna end up failing every class i took this semester.
i'm thinking about getting a second job... at least for the summer. i'm not too sure if i could pull off 2 jobs and school full time. i'd like to think i could be that motivated... but i'm really REALLY REALLY lazy.
we have more kittens again. they don't really like us coz they're basically wild. hopefully they'll get used to people. they're so cute i just wanna love them.
btw.. if anyone is like me.. you're probably excited for may 16th and the HALO3 beta. i'm such a nerd that i'm having a little shindig with some of my friends who didn't get the beta thingy and calling it my birthday party. hopefully the next day i'll be off of work coz i plan on getting wasted and probably passing out somewhere weird. we'll see if we get the cops called on us for being noisy again.
alright, time to loaf around the house! woo!