The 2 H'es...heat and outdoor sauna and steambath all rolled into convienient mother nature is for us....unless you're like me and not really into heat and humidity.
I've been very creative at finding ways to stay in the A/C. Normal stuff that needs to be done, can usually be rationally put off pretty easily with just a little creative thinking......mostly I've been thinking that most of it will wait and be just fine until it's a little cooler and a little less dampish outside.
I have no idea what is up with my sleep patterns the last few weeks. I've not been sleeping very well. Last night was no exception. I went to bed, not the least bit sleepy and finally managed to sleep for about 1/2 an hour, after tossing and turning for a couple of hours. I finally gave up and got up. I switched the TV onto the NASA channel and listened to and watched updates on the space shuttle's return. I would doze off for a few minutes at a time on the couch, but you really couldn't call it sleep. Watched the shuttle land and then took my shower which seemed to help my attitude a bit. I'm on my second pot of coffee, since I started on the first one around 4am. How long can a person go on only a couple hours of sleep at night, before a big crash comes along? I've normally only slept for about 6 hours a night, for many years now, but the last few weeks that has been cut down to about 3 hours and I have no idea why.
Happy trails.........until we meet again....

I've been very creative at finding ways to stay in the A/C. Normal stuff that needs to be done, can usually be rationally put off pretty easily with just a little creative thinking......mostly I've been thinking that most of it will wait and be just fine until it's a little cooler and a little less dampish outside.
I have no idea what is up with my sleep patterns the last few weeks. I've not been sleeping very well. Last night was no exception. I went to bed, not the least bit sleepy and finally managed to sleep for about 1/2 an hour, after tossing and turning for a couple of hours. I finally gave up and got up. I switched the TV onto the NASA channel and listened to and watched updates on the space shuttle's return. I would doze off for a few minutes at a time on the couch, but you really couldn't call it sleep. Watched the shuttle land and then took my shower which seemed to help my attitude a bit. I'm on my second pot of coffee, since I started on the first one around 4am. How long can a person go on only a couple hours of sleep at night, before a big crash comes along? I've normally only slept for about 6 hours a night, for many years now, but the last few weeks that has been cut down to about 3 hours and I have no idea why.
Happy trails.........until we meet again....