Yesterday was an interesting day. I took my Mom to a Dr.'s appointment in Des Moines.
Hanging around hospitals and medical plazas is always interesting. You see such an eclectic mix of people. I had a funny conversation with an elderly man, while waiting. He asked if I was just out of the military....he said I looked like a military guy and that I had that confident swagger in my walk. I have no idea what that far as I know I just walk, but apparently this guy thought that I had something special. He also thought I was about 15 years younger than I actually am....which was a nice thing to say, but I wonder if maybe he wasn't there to see an eye doctor or something.
I picked up a magazine to read while waiting. I have a different way of reading magazines. I will leaf through every page first, noting which articles look interesting and that I might want to read, until I get completely through the magazine. Then, I go back and read the ones that piqued my interest. The old guy beside me made a comment about this procdure as well. Seems I was of some fascination to him, as he noted just about everything I did. Mostly, I think he was just an old man without family or many friends and was just lonesome and wanting some conversation. For all his peculiarites, he really was a nice old guy and I enjoyed talking to him. When I finally walked away, he had a big smile on his face, as if he had some satisfaction of human interaction for the day. I had a smile on my face as well.
Hanging around hospitals and medical plazas is always interesting. You see such an eclectic mix of people. I had a funny conversation with an elderly man, while waiting. He asked if I was just out of the military....he said I looked like a military guy and that I had that confident swagger in my walk. I have no idea what that far as I know I just walk, but apparently this guy thought that I had something special. He also thought I was about 15 years younger than I actually am....which was a nice thing to say, but I wonder if maybe he wasn't there to see an eye doctor or something.

I picked up a magazine to read while waiting. I have a different way of reading magazines. I will leaf through every page first, noting which articles look interesting and that I might want to read, until I get completely through the magazine. Then, I go back and read the ones that piqued my interest. The old guy beside me made a comment about this procdure as well. Seems I was of some fascination to him, as he noted just about everything I did. Mostly, I think he was just an old man without family or many friends and was just lonesome and wanting some conversation. For all his peculiarites, he really was a nice old guy and I enjoyed talking to him. When I finally walked away, he had a big smile on his face, as if he had some satisfaction of human interaction for the day. I had a smile on my face as well.

ya I'm glad someone noticed my bad makeup, not to mention they made april look like a ghost! thx for the compliment
For all his peculiarites, he really was a nice old guy and I enjoyed talking to him.
that is wonderful. i love it when that happens, because alot of people who start random public conversations are actually not that fun to talk to. but once in awhile you get a good bean.
on the karate topic, i have missed two lessons, which means i haven't been for over a week. the tummy sickness last night made it quite prohibitive. i look forward to tomorrow night's session, and after that i should make it a goal to attend five sessions in a row. then i wouldn't feel like such a slacker!