I had a hectic weekend and Monday, with little sleep and little to eat. Mostly because of some stress that popped up. I think I'll be getting to bed early tonight or at least earlier than normal for me. I can take a day or 2 of mostly sleepless nights, but by about the 3rd or 4th night it starts to wear on me. Luckily, the problem causing the stress has pretty much been resolved and my mind is getting freer and clearer by the hour, so I'm pretty sure that tonight will be a good sleep. On the positive side, I've taken the opporunity that not having much of an appetite for a few days has afforded me and will continue on with the more moderating eating habits. I've dropped a few more pounds and will continue on with this regime to see if I can keep shedding a few more......which will be a great thing if I can get it done. For those of you who are relative youngsters who might be reading this, keep in mind that weight loss really does get harder, the older you get. I used to be able to drop off an excess weight I'd gained over the winter in just a matter of a couple, or at the most, a few weeks and not even has to really work at it. I've found that as you get older, you really have to work at it harder........just a friendly reminder to keep tucked away in the back of your mind for the next few years.

what kind of dog is that on your profile pic? He is adorable!
it was like 80 yesterday! sunny, blue clouds, wait till i get the pix up from yesterday. I am convinced i should be living in the country... thought the bugs could be a sercious deterrent from that decision. see if you can get the recipe, as far as i know its just oats, brown sugar, butter, and apples, lemon juice or orange, and i top it with homeade whipped cream.