I think I was wrestling in the night last night....not sure who or what I was wrestling, but my bed was a mess of tangled sheets, blanket and bedspread this morning. The funny thing is, I slept really well....was out like a light....don't remember dreaming or wrestling....woke up more rested than I have for some time now....go figure!
I do have serious bedhead this morning....I look like a circus clown with hair sticking up and out all over. It's going to have to stay that way until after lunch.
My bike has some new shoes. Brought it home from the dealership on Saturday with new tires and the scheduled valve clearance check done. It's ready to hit the road. Now, I just wish I was in the position to take off and go somewhere.....maybe someday. It needs a good cleaning. It never ceases to amaze me how people who work on other people's stuff, take so little pride in their work as not to clean up after themselves. To be fair, it needs a good cleaning anyway from all the bugs and road dirt, but the mechanic who worked on it didn't take the time or care to clean his dirty handprints off of the fuel tank or chrome pieces that he touched. I'm not fussy or anal about keeping it clean. I'm not one of those who wipes his bike down at every fuel stop or even after every ride. I just clean it when I have time and it needs it. For a mechanic to leave is marks all over it, is really just unacceptable to me though.
My sister took my Mom out for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon. I think it was the first time in 2 years, that I've been alone in the house. I put in a DVD and cranked up the surrond sound to movie theater decibels....it was fun!
Today is house day....laundry, cleaning, etc. On Mondays I always fix breakfast food for lunch. Today will be biscuits and sausage gravy and scrambled eggs with cheese.....probably just about my favorite food. It's supposed to finally warm up to normal spring temps this week, so I'm looking forward to working outside. I have 2 spots to dig on my water line to see if I can find the leak. If I can't find it, it means digging in a whole new line....which I'm not really looking forward to. This water situation has been a thorn in my side for several months and I need to get it finally resolved in one way or another....to be done with it and have it off of my mind.
Hope you all have a great week......keep good thoughts and don't let the bastards get you down!
I do have serious bedhead this morning....I look like a circus clown with hair sticking up and out all over. It's going to have to stay that way until after lunch.
My bike has some new shoes. Brought it home from the dealership on Saturday with new tires and the scheduled valve clearance check done. It's ready to hit the road. Now, I just wish I was in the position to take off and go somewhere.....maybe someday. It needs a good cleaning. It never ceases to amaze me how people who work on other people's stuff, take so little pride in their work as not to clean up after themselves. To be fair, it needs a good cleaning anyway from all the bugs and road dirt, but the mechanic who worked on it didn't take the time or care to clean his dirty handprints off of the fuel tank or chrome pieces that he touched. I'm not fussy or anal about keeping it clean. I'm not one of those who wipes his bike down at every fuel stop or even after every ride. I just clean it when I have time and it needs it. For a mechanic to leave is marks all over it, is really just unacceptable to me though.
My sister took my Mom out for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon. I think it was the first time in 2 years, that I've been alone in the house. I put in a DVD and cranked up the surrond sound to movie theater decibels....it was fun!
Today is house day....laundry, cleaning, etc. On Mondays I always fix breakfast food for lunch. Today will be biscuits and sausage gravy and scrambled eggs with cheese.....probably just about my favorite food. It's supposed to finally warm up to normal spring temps this week, so I'm looking forward to working outside. I have 2 spots to dig on my water line to see if I can find the leak. If I can't find it, it means digging in a whole new line....which I'm not really looking forward to. This water situation has been a thorn in my side for several months and I need to get it finally resolved in one way or another....to be done with it and have it off of my mind.
Hope you all have a great week......keep good thoughts and don't let the bastards get you down!

i'm painting my kitchen base boards, that's why the slack update. today is spring cleaning. it's cool here like low 60's upper 50's sun shinning though, so it's a great day to air out the house and clean.